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Alert List

  Notice Type Start Date End Date Affected Area Comments Submitted By
Modify Road Closing 02/11/2025 02/11/2025 Science Drive
Science Drive will be closed for a crane lift for Chemistry Building. ADA Parking Spaces will be accessible for this closing. All other parking will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/26/2024 12/06/2024 Patio/Sidewalk South Side Jordan Hall
Sidewalk replacement Patio/sidewalk south side Jordan Hall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/17/2024 12/20/2024 Headhouse I-II on Curtin Rd
basement entrance on west side of Headhouse I is closed. sidewalk on south side of Curtin road in front of the headhouses is closed for sidewalk concrete replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/16/2024 12/17/2024 Sidewalk West Side Sackett
The sidewalk on the west of the Sackett Building will be closed for construction fence installation. Signage and barriers will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/16/2024 01/10/2025 Sidewalk East of Nursing Science Building from College Ave to HUB Lawn
The sidewalk along Nursing Science Building from College Ave to the HUB lawn will be closed for utility work. Barricades are in place. Please follow all posted signage for detour of the work area.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2024 11/29/2024 Steps West Side Borland Lab
Replacement of Steps at West Entrance Borland Lab
Modify Reduced Sidewalk 11/20/2024 11/23/2024 Part of Millennium Rd and Spur Rd to Field Hockey Stadium
Removal of paving to rebuild sub-grade and repave and landscape.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/19/2024 11/22/2024 east side of outdoor swimming pool
Sidewalk that runs north and south closed on the east side of the outdoor swimming pool due to a water leak.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/18/2024 11/19/2024 sidewalk on North side of College Ave in front of Hammond Building
Contractor applying waterproofing to sidewalk
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/18/2024 11/22/2024 Parking Area East Side OPP Lumber Storage Shed
Installing Concrete Ramp/Sidewalk adjacent to Storage area
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/16/2024 11/17/2024 Entrance Drive for Nursing Science Building from College Ave
The entrance drive to Nursing Science and HHD buildings will be closed on Saturday 11/16 from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm due to construction work. No access to parking will be available during this time. Pedestrian traffic detour will also be in place. Please follow all posted signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/11/2024 11/14/2024 Nursing Science Building from College Ave to HUB Lawn
The sidewalk along Nursing Science Building from College Ave to the HUB lawn will be partially closed for utility work. Detour will be posted. Please follow all signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/10/2024 11/13/2024 College Ave. in front of Hammond Building
The sidewalk between Burroughs Rd and Allen Street in front of the Hammond building will be closed to allow contractor to apply waterproofing agent to sidewalk surface over steam tunnel
Modify Road Closing 11/06/2024 11/06/2024 Alley between USDA and Headhouse III/Greenhouses
The alley between USDA and Headhouse III will be closed to accommodate concrete deliveries to USDA. The sidewalk along Curtin at this area will be closed intermittently to allow trucks in/out. Flaggers will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/28/2024 11/01/2024 Curtin Rd from Bigler Rd to Shortlidge Rd
Contractor will be replacing the steam manhole top in the sidewalk on the south side of Curtin Rd between Bigler Rd and Shortlidge rd in front of Headhouse III
Modify Road Closing 10/24/2024 10/24/2024 N/A
Road in between Osmond Building and Boucke Building.
This will temporarily cut off access to the parking lot next to Ritenour building (Brown C). Crane needed to remove trash shute from roof of Osmond building will be out of the area by 7:30am.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/14/2024 10/14/2024 McKean Rd.
A lane of McKean Rd. will be closed for equipment offloading into East Area Locker Room. Flaggers and signage will be in place for the duration.
Closure located to the West of East Area Locker Room.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/14/2024 10/31/2024 Sidewalk/Patio North Side Bio Behavioral Health
Installing new sealant in Pavers
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/14/2024 10/25/2024 BJC Gates B & C
Various Sidewalk Repairs at Gates B & C
Modify Road Closing 10/14/2024 11/27/2024 Shortlidge Road (South of Curtin)
Shortlidge Road (South of Curtin Rd to entrance of lot Yellow E) will be closed starting Monday 10/14, to install a new waterline. Work will progress from North to South, closing sections of the road in phases. All traffic accessing Eisenhower Parking Deck, Eisenhower Auditorium, CBEB, will need to enter/exit from Bigler Rd. Road will be opened during Home Football games.
Yellow E will be closed Approximately 10/24-11/7
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/12/2024 10/13/2024 Nursing Science and HHD Entrances and Parking
Access to Nursing Science Building will be closed during crane lift operations. Access to HHD building will be limited to entrances off Henderson Mall and rear of building at BBH. All parking at Nursing Science and HHD lots will be closed. Emergency egress and access will be maintained. The sidewalk along College Ave at Nursing Science will have periodic closures during lift operations. Flaggers will be in-place and alternate pedestrian routes provided. Please follow all signage posted.
Site logistics map is available
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/11/2024 10/11/2024 Shortlidge Road (South of Curtin)
Shortlidge Road (Southbound Lane) between Curtin Rd and Eisenhower Rd will be reduced to 1 lane with flaggers to sawcut for utility work to take place. Please follow signage.
Modify Road Closing 10/11/2024 11/27/2024 Yellow S
(7) Spaces on East side of Yellow S will be blocked for contractor laydown.
Modify Construction work 10/10/2024 10/18/2024 Park Ave near Park Ave and Stadium West Drive Intersection
Utilities are to be installed under Park Ave. This work will affect the section of Park Ave between Porter Road and University Drive. There will be a detour in affect using University Drive, Curtain Road, and Porter Road. The construction work / detour is to occur between the hours of 8p - 6am each day. Park Ave will be open to normal traffic during construction off-hours (6a - 8p).
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/09/2024 10/11/2024 Stadium West Drive Construction Work
A portion of the Stadium West Drive will be reduced down to one lane for construction work. The work is to take place between the hours of 8p - 6a each day.
- Access into Stadium West Parking Lot will still be granted. - flaggers will be in place during this work. - Stadium West Drive will be fully open without restrictions / reduced lanes each day between the hours of 6a - 8p.
Modify Road Closing 10/07/2024 10/08/2024 Alley between USDA/Pasture Research and Headhouse III/Greenhouses
The alley between USDA/Pasture Research and Headhouses and Greenhouses will be closed during the dates/times listed so that the contractor doing work at USDA can make a connection to the campus compressed air system. Access to the Greenhouses will be maintained from Eisenhower Road, but there will be no thru-traffic from Curtin Rd to Eisenhower Rd.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/02/2024 10/02/2024 Shortlidge Road (South of Curtin)
Shortlidge Road (South end at entrance to Chemistry delivery lot) will have reduced lanes for periods of time on Wednesday 10/2. Flaggers and signage will be in place but avoid area if possible.
Modify Road Closing 09/24/2024 09/25/2024 Alley between USDA and Headhouse III/Greenhouses
The alley separating USDA/Pasture Research and Headhouse III and the experimental greenhouses will be closed for the days/times noted above for delivery and installation of equipment supporting the USDA renovation. The sidewalk along the south side of Curtin will remain open but there may be minor delays/disruptions due to equipment coming in/out of the alley and onto Curtin. Flaggers will be in place. Access to the south end of the experimental greenhouses will be maintained off of Eisenhower Road.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/23/2024 09/27/2024 Sidewalk between ECoRE and EES Building
A portion of sidewalk between the north entrance of the EES Building and the northeast exit only door to the EES Building will be closed to install new sidewalk. All of the entrances to the EES Building and ECoRE Building will be unblocked during this work.
Modify Road Closing 09/18/2024 09/18/2024 Pollock Road
Pollock Road, in front of the HUB. Barricades at each end of closure
UPPS Safety Fair Event 11 AM – 1 PM Area will feature large trucks and emergency response vehicles. Event contact: Jackie Sheader, (814) 574-0410, Road closure expected to be from approximately 10:15 AM until 1:30 PM. Barricades and road closure signs to be supplied by OPP Landscape (J404894) 25LIVE event 2024-ANHWXW
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/13/2024 09/15/2024 Old Main Lawn
East-West sidewalk crossing Old Main Lawn from Sackett to Henderson Mall and North-South sidewalks immediately bordering Old Main Lawn will be closed during construction work. Pedestrian detours will be posted.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/12/2024 09/13/2024 South Side of Greenberg Building along Hastings Road
The curb will be cut along Hastings Road for the new loading dock entrance off of Hastings Road to Greenberg.
Flaggers will be in place if work needs to reduce Hastings Road down to one lane. We are not planning that flaggers will be needed. Sidewalk does not need to be rerouted for this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/09/2024 09/27/2024 Sidewalk East Entrance Kern Building
Installation of Masonry sign/seating wall on East side of Kern Building. Access to the entrance will remain open
Modify Road Closing 09/05/2024 09/05/2024 Henderson Rd
Henderson Road between the Hub and McAllister.
Road will be closed for unloading construction materials for the Hub 3rd Floor Renovation project.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/04/2024 09/19/2024 N/A
Red D will be offline starting Wednesday 9/4 through Thursday 9/19 for reconstruction and PennDOT work of off Atherton.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/19/2024 08/22/2024 Sidewalks North side Visual Arts
Sidewalk replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/19/2024 08/22/2024 Sidewalks South Side Business Building leading to Patio
Removal of bollards and sidewalk replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/19/2024 08/23/2024 133 North Barnard Street
Replacement of Several Sections of Sidewalk along N Barnard Street behind Smith 2 Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/19/2024 08/23/2024 Sidewalks 826 West College
Replacement of several sections of sidewalk
Modify Road Closing 08/14/2024 08/23/2024 Construction Work in Orange A Parking Spots and Near Jeffrey Field
At the southeast corner of the Orange parking lot, the 1 reserved, 1 handicap, and 3 motorcycle parking spots will be offline so that the directional bore work across Park Ave can be performed. This work will take a portion of the Stadium West Road sidewalk near the Park Ave and Stadium West Road intersection offline for access to the construction site.
- Flaggers will be in place when needed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2024 08/16/2024 Sidewalk West side Shorlidge Road near College Ave intersection
Replacement of sidewalk and granite border
Modify Hintz Pond Renovations 08/12/2024 08/30/2024 Hintz Pond Area
Renovating the north and south pond
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2024 08/14/2024 Sidewalk East Side Steidle Building
Reconstruction of Stone Retaining Wall at NE side of Steidle Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2024 08/20/2024 Sidewalk West Side Nittany Lion Inn
Sidewalk Replacement West Side Nittany Lion Inn
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2024 08/16/2024 Sidewalks East side Henderson
Sidewalk Repairs Various Sections
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/05/2024 08/09/2024 Fischer Road
Fischer Road between Allen Road and Nittany Parking Deck
Road will be reduced to one lane during working hours. Flaggers will direct traffic during lane closure.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/05/2024 08/07/2024 Turn Around Island North side Nittany Lion Inn
Remove and reset granite paves in island at North Entrance
Modify Road Closing 08/05/2024 08/05/2024 Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery
Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery: A section of Curtin Road at the Pasture Research/USDA Lab will be closed in order to final pave for prior utility connections in the road. At Bigler and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Shortlidge Rd. At Shortlidge and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Bigler Rd. Access to the Yellow R lot behind Ag Admin WILL BE maintained; there will be no thru-traffic on Curtin during the closure.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/02/2024 08/06/2024 east side of Nittany Lion Inn
section of sidewalk closed from Fischer rd. at the 90degree turn headed toward biomechanics teaching lab on the east side of The Nittany lion inn.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/29/2024 07/31/2024 Sidewalk North Side Patte Library
Brick paver repairs on sidewalk Fisher Plaza near crosswalk Curtin Road
Modify Road Closing 07/23/2024 07/25/2024 Shortlidge Road Turn Around between Benkovic and Huck Life Sciences at Willaman Gateway
Turn Around area only
Granite cobble to be removed and reinstalled in island of turn around Signs and barricades to be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/22/2024 09/13/2024 Sidewalk west side of Burrows from College Ave to Steam Alley
Sidewalk west side of Burrows from College Ave to Steam Alley
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/19/2024 07/19/2024 N/A
sidewalk south of Curtin rd north of Head House 1
inlet replacement. TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/16/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalk Along Curtin Road
The sidewalk along Curtin Road will be closed from Bigler road to the crosswalk in front of the Creamery. This closure supports work to add an ADA ramp at Erickson Food Science.
Signage will be posted to alert pedestrians and direct them to the alternate route.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalk South side Chambers adjacent to Curtin Road
Curb repairs to curb adjacent to sidewalk NW of Intersection Curtin/Allen
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2024 07/18/2024 Sidewalk in fron tof Hammond building along College Ave.
Contractor is pressure washing and waterproofing the sidewalk surface
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalks on North and East side of White Building
Sidewalk Replacement Various Sections
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalks South and East Side Grange Building
Sidewalk Replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalks West Side of Atherton Hall
Sidewalk Replacement Various sections
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/12/2024 07/19/2024 Sidewalks North Side Ikenberry Hall
Various Sidewalk Replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/12/2024 07/19/2024 Steps leading to West Entrance Borland Lab
Concrete Step Replacement Left sidewalk steps leading to West Entrance
Access to Entrance to remain open
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/12/2024 07/17/2024 Parking Lot Between Ag Engineering and Stuckman
Curb Replacement in Parking Lot
3 Parking stalls will need to be blocked off to repair curb
Modify Road Closing 07/08/2024 07/08/2024 Hastings Road Partial Closure
The section of Hastings Road between University Drive and McKean Road will be closed due to construction on 7/8/24 from 7a - 4p. A detour will be put in place during this road closure.
Detour signage will be put in place during this road closure directing people around the section of Hastings Road that will be closed (i.e. University Drive to Curtain Road to Bigler Road).
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/01/2024 07/03/2024 Sidewalk North Side Willard
Brick Paver Repairs
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/24/2024 07/05/2024 Side walk east of Osmond Lab
We are extending the sidewalk closure to include the Southeast Corner of the building.
We need to excavate and make repairs to the existing storm water line.
Modify Road Closing 06/24/2024 08/16/2024 Access road south of Green houses
This will impact the access road to the south of Greenhouse E,J, and F. The Steam Manhole that needs repaired is in footprint of the road.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/24/2024 06/28/2024 Steps South Side Old Main Plaza to Old Main Lawn
Masonry repairs to steps and handrails.
Modify Road Closing 06/20/2024 06/23/2024 East Parking Deck
-Thursday 6/20: Mobilize the crane into site and get hook ready for the following morning -Friday 6/21: be hook ready for 7am to start removing the old site and prepping for the new enclosure -Saturday 6/22: Rig up the new enclosure and lift to the roof. Anchor enclosure to roof. Once set. Work in man basket on the stealthing panels. -Sunday 6/23: Finish up crane work and break crane down to mobilize out.
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/17/2024 07/19/2024 White Course Drive at the north side of the West 1 / ECoRE Building
White Course Drive will be reduced to one lane so that an additional bus stop can be installed at the north east corner of the new West 1 / ECoRE Building.
- flaggers will be in place for this work
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/13/2024 06/14/2024 sidewalk to parking lot south east side of porter Hall
Sidewalk between Porter Hall and Shunk Hall that goes to the parking lot south of buildings closed due to steam leak.
Modify Road Closing 06/10/2024 08/16/2024 Curtin Road
Curtin Road between Porter Road and the entrance to the Jordan East parking lot will be closed to all traffic.
Detour signage will be in place to route vehicular traffic around the road closure.
Modify Road and Sidewalk Closing 06/06/2024 06/06/2024 Coaly Way between Osmond and Boucke
Coaly Way will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic from 5:30-7:30am due to construction work. All pedestrian traffic will be detoured with signage. No through traffic will be permitted on Coaly way but Emergency Access will be maintained through alternate route
Modify Road Closing 06/05/2024 06/05/2024 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow rd. will be closed just south of tower rd. intersection.
Paving utility patch TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/03/2024 06/07/2024 Sidewalk between USDA/Pasture Research and Computer Building
The north section of sidewalk between USDA and Computer Building will be closed for the dates/times noted in order for a contractor to restore a previously disturbed area. Access from the south (parking lot) to the northwest corner door of Computer Building will be maintained; however there will be NO thru access to Curtin Road. The sidewalk on the south side of Curtin in front of USDA will be intermittently closed to accommodate construction access to the work area. Signage will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 05/22/2024 05/23/2024 College Ave at entrance to Redifer commons
East entrance to Redifer commons parking lot will be closed for contractor to install CIPP liner in the sanitary sewer. The west entrance will be reduced to one lane but accessible
Modify Road Closing 05/21/2024 05/22/2024 Shortlidge Road
Shortlidge Rd closed from College ave to Pollock Rd for night work to install CIPP liner in the sanitary sewer on College Ave.
Access to hub deck will be open from Pollock Rd
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/20/2024 05/31/2024 Sidewalks/Patio Technology Support Building
Sidewalk replacement on South side of building. Removal of various trees and concrete patio and installation of TSA in patio area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/20/2024 08/02/2024 University Drive/Sidewalks
A new pedestrian crosswalk across University Drive at Dauer Drive will be constructed.Lanes may restricted at times as well as sidewalks. Please use caution and follow construction signage.
Modify Road Closing 05/20/2024 05/24/2024 River Birch RD
Road closed for crane work on Nittany Parking Deck
Modify Road Closing 05/15/2024 05/15/2024 Access Rd to the southside of Hintz Alumni center
Contractor will need to close the access road to install a CIPP liner in the sanitary sewer
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/13/2024 05/17/2024 University Dr & College Ave.
Contractor removing overhead electric lines and utility poles. Map is available
Modify Road Closing 05/08/2024 06/07/2024 Dairy Barn Complex Road
Dairy Barn Complex Road will be closed from fleet operations to the gravel utility road at the Dairy Barns. Access to fleet operations will remain open. Alternate route is available to Dairy Barn Complex by way of University Drive. Signage will be in place for duration of closure.
Alternate route and logistics map is available
Modify Road Closing 05/06/2024 07/17/2024 N/A
There will be a fenced laydown area in Student Parking Lot 42. This will be used for the construction on buildings 42 and 43. Student Lot 42 will have three spots off-line during this duration.
Modify Sidewalks 05/06/2024 08/09/2024 Road between Willard and Steidle
Road between Willard and Steidle closed on South side of Pollock. Follow Signage. Sidewalk detours in place. Please follow signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 07/17/2024 Nittany Apts Sidewalk between Buildings 42-43
Sidewalks between the building will be closed during renovations of building and sidewalk replacement. Signage will be providing diverting foot traffic.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 06/21/2024 Sidewalk adjacent to southwest corner of White Building will be obstructed.
Sidewalk at this location will be obstructed by construction fencing and will not be passable. Fencing to be reduced starting on 6/24 to allow for sidewalk access at this location
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 08/09/2024 Sidewalk West of Sparks
Sidewalk on the West side of The Sparks building will be closed. Follow signage.
Service Parking and (2)Dean Permitted Parking spots, on the West side of Sparks will be moved to the North. (2) ADA spots on the West side of Sparks will be blocked.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 05/10/2024 Sidewalks West Entrance Tyson
Sidewalk Replacement on Sidewalks Leading to Entrance on West side of building
Modify Tree Maintenance 05/06/2024 05/08/2024 Nursing Science Building
South parking lot and sidewalk of Nursing Science Building will be closed on Tuesday 5/7 and Wednesday 5/8 for tree removal.
No parking available
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 06/14/2024 Sidewalks at Reber Building along Brown A Lot
Sidewalk will be closed on the north side of the entrance to Reber building for overhead construction work. Alternate route signage will be posted. Entrance to remain open.
22 spaces in Brown A Reber Lot north side of the entrance will be closed
Modify Road and Sidewalk Closing 05/06/2024 05/06/2024 Coaly Way between Osmond and Boucke
Coaly Way will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Monday 5/6 from 7am-10am due to construction work. All pedestrian traffic will be detoured with signage. No through traffic will be permitted on Coaly way but Emergency Access will be maintained through alternate route
Modify Road Closing 05/06/2024 05/08/2024 Porter Rd From Dauer Dr to Hastings Rd
Porter Rd will be closed to replace the sanitary sewer just north of Hasting Rd intersection
Parking Lot 44 gate access will be closed onto Porter Rd
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2024 08/09/2024 Sidewalks, Alley behind McCoy Natatorium
Construction work on Tennis Courts. Sidewalks closed on East side of McCoy Natatorium. Follow signage. Alley way behind McCoy Natatorium will have construction traffic entering/exiting as well as on Curtin Road on the North side of the Tennis Courts. Please follow all signage
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/01/2024 05/15/2024 Access road behind Wagner Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/30/2024 08/16/2024 Sidewalk at Intersection of Curtin and Porter Road
The sidewalk at the intersection of Curtin and Porter Road, along Gate A of Beaver Stadium will be closed.
Signage will be in place to detour pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/29/2024 05/01/2024 Pollock Road/Sidewalks
3 Storm inlet repairs South side of Pollock Road near Willard, Schwab Auditorium and Chandlee Lab.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/29/2024 09/20/2024 Sidewalks
Sidewalks South of Hammond Bldg, on the North side of college Ave will be closed for work in Steam Tunnel. Follow all signage.
(3) parking Spots in Red K will be off line.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/22/2024 04/26/2024 Sidewalk South Side Carneige
Repairs to 4 Tree Grates and Brick Pavers
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/19/2024 04/19/2024 turning lane
Right turning lane on Curtin rd. coming from Sheilds building to University drive
reinstalling the delineators for magnetic bollards TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/19/2024 04/26/2024 Sidewalks East Side Electrical Engineering East
Several sections of sidewalk replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/17/2024 04/26/2024 North Entrance Forest Resource
Masonry Repairs to Site Wall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/16/2024 04/18/2024 Sidewalk along Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery
A short section of sidewalk on the south side of Curtin road in front of USDA will be closed for the time listed in order for a contractor to make storm water connections at USDA. Signage will be in place to redirect pedestrians at crosswalks.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/15/2024 04/16/2024 side walk at the east side of carpenter building
Sidewalk between Kern and carpenter building steam line repair
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/15/2024 04/19/2024 West Entrance Ag Administration
Concrete Sidewalk repairs SW sidewalk leading to West entrance, access to entrance to remain open at all times
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/09/2024 04/09/2024 silver B parking lot
Silver B Parking lot North of Academic Projects Building
3 test hole vacuum excavation for a upcoming projects, will be backfilled immediately after excavation. each hole should take less than an hour. Parking is still available, may have to drive around the truck, truck can be moved if need be. TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/08/2024 04/11/2024 Sidewalks East side of Chambers
Miscellaneous sidewalk repairs E side of Building and increasing bike rack pad size
Modify Road Closing 04/08/2024 05/17/2024 N/A
(3) Service Permit Parking Spots will be off-line behind Hammond Bldg.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/08/2024 04/12/2024 Sidewalk between USDA/Pasture Research and Computer Building
Due to to the rainy forecast this week, the sidewalk closure between USDA/Pasture Research and Computer Building originally scheduled for April 1 to April 5 will be rescheduled. The north section of sidewalk between USDA and Computer Building will be closed for the dates/times noted in order for a contractor to complete connections for chilled water service to USDA. Access from the south (parking lot) to the northwest corner door of Computer Building will be maintained; however there will be NO thru access to Curtin Road. The sidewalk on the south side of Curtin in front of USDA will be intermittently closed to accommodate construction access to the work area. Signage will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/08/2024 07/02/2024 N/A
Sidewalk along East side of University Drive, South of College Ave will be closed. Please follow detour to available crosswalks.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/05/2024 04/12/2024 Sidewalk North side Schwab Auditorium
Repairs to 4 tree grates adjacent to Pollock Road
Modify Road Closing 04/03/2024 04/19/2024 Foundry Park Road
Masonry repairs to stone wall adjacent to Foundry Park Road area between Hammond and Engineering Units
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/01/2024 04/05/2024 Sidewalk between USDA/Pasture Research and Computer Building
The north section of sidewalk between USDA and Computer Building will be closed for the dates/times noted in order for a contractor to complete connections for chilled water service to USDA. Access from the south (parking lot) to the northwest corner door of Computer Building will be maintained; however there will be NO thru access to Curtin Road. The sidewalk on the south side of Curtin in front of USDA will be intermittently closed to accommodate construction access to the work area. Signage will be in place.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/25/2024 03/27/2024 Shortlidge Road
Construction Surveying will be taking place on Shortlidge Road, South of Curtin Road. Lanes will be restricted. Signage and flaggers will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/25/2024 03/29/2024 Sidewalk E side Steam SVCS Building
Several sections of Sidewalk Replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/25/2024 03/29/2024 Sidewalk South Side Deike
Several Sections of Sidewalk Replacement
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/21/2024 04/12/2024 NE Entrance Computer Building
Masonry repairs at NE Entrance to Computer Building Access to building will remain open at all times
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/11/2024 03/22/2024 Steps South Entrance Boucke Building
Masonry Repairs South Entrance/Steps
Modify Road Closing 03/05/2024 03/07/2024 Big Hollow RD
Between the main entrance of the Water treatment Facility and Tower rd
Modify Road and Sidewalk closing 03/05/2024 03/07/2024 Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery
A section of Curtin Road at the Pasture Research/USDA Lab will be closed in order to make utility connections for a project at USDA. At Bigler and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Shortlidge Rd. At Shortlidge and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Bigler Rd. Access to the Yellow R lot behind Ag Admin WILL BE maintained; there will be no thru-traffic on Curtin. In addition, the sidewalk on the SOUTH side of Curtin Rd in front of USDA will be closed. The sidewalk on the NORTH side of Curtin Rd in front of the Creamery will be open; access to the Creamery will not be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 Sidewalk North side BBH
Sidewalk Replacement on the North side of BBH
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 Sidewalk West side of Willard Building
Sidewalk Replacement on the West side of Willard
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 Sidewalk West side McCoy Natatorium
Replace ADA mats in sidewalk on West side of building along Bigler road at drive entrance.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 West Entrance Brumbaugh Hall
Make repairs to concrete at entrance between Brumbaugh and Fisher Hall.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 EES Building South Exterior Building Entrance
The EES Building south building vestibule will be closed due to construction work occurring at the canopy immediately outside of the south exterior door.
- Additional signage will be installed to detour pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/08/2024 Section of sidewalk on the South side of McAllister building
Sidewalk replacement on the South side of McAllister building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 02/09/2024 Sidewalk Between Elec Eng East/Elec Eng West
Sidewalk replacement between Elec Eng East and Elec Eng West
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/15/2024 East Entrance Willard
Masonry repairs to cheek walls East entrance
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/04/2024 03/05/2024 ag engineering
sidewalk between Ag Engineering and Runkle hall. near shortlidge rd
Modify Road and Sidewalk Closing 03/02/2024 03/06/2024 Coaly Way between Osmond and Boucke
Coaly Way will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic from Saturday Mar 2nd to Wednesday Mar 6th due to construction work. All pedestrian traffic will be detoured with signage. No through traffic will be permitted on Coaly way but Emergency Access will be maintained through alternate route
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/29/2024 02/29/2024 Sidewalk along Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery
A short section of sidewalk on the south side of Curtin road in front of USDA will be closed for the time listed in order for the contractor to prepare for the road closure and water connection at USDA during Spring Break. Signage will be in place to redirect pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/27/2024 02/09/2024 Patio South Side Steidle
Repair work on Masonry Site wall and concrete curb South side Steidle
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/27/2024 03/08/2024 Steps SW Old Main
Lower steps SW side of Old Main Patio on South side of building leading towards mall area. Masonry repairs to steps.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/27/2024 03/08/2024 Sidewalk around Old Main Bell
Selective repointing on Masonry Site wall around the Old Main Bell
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/19/2024 02/23/2024 E. College Ave. from Shortlidge Rd to High St.
Contractor will be closing parking lane and sidewalk to clean and CCTV the sanitary sewer
Modify sidewalk closures 02/12/2024 04/12/2024 East campus from Shortlidge Rd to Porter Rd and from Services Rd to College ave.
Contractor will be cleaning and CCTV 30,000 LF of sanitary sewer. Map of the project area is available. Temporary, moving sidewalk closures will occur to allow CCTV trucks and jet cleaning trucks access to the sanitary sewer manholes
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/08/2024 02/16/2024 Research Building West
Replacing trench drain and concrete outside entrance G004 at NE side of building.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/30/2024 01/30/2024 Bigler Road
Bigler Road near Katz Building reduced lane to seal asphalt crack, cones and flagger in place.
Modify Parking Stalls Closure 01/29/2024 02/09/2024 N/A
4 parking stalls will be closed in the Silver G Parking lot to accommodate a dumpster for work in the area.
The 4 blocked parking spots are located in the NE corner of Silver G Parking Lot facing Hastings Rd. All other parking will be maintained.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/29/2024 01/29/2024 Hastings Road
Single lane closure on Hastings Rd, West of University Drive, during daylight hours. Signage and flaggers will be in place. This work is to do a temporary repair to the road for a sewer line crossing.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/04/2024 02/02/2024 Old Main East Lawn and Old Main/Hendersaon Mall
Areas of Old Main east lawn will be inaccessible due to a sanitary lateral construction project at Old Main. Sections of the Old Main/Henderson mall will be closed throughout the project as well as sidewalk immediately adjacent to Old Main. Old Main east entrance stair to remain open throughout the project.
Signage will be installed prior to 1/8/2024 regarding the sidewalk closures and be placed at locations to direct pedestrians away from the work zone.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 Fischer Road near the Nittany Lion Inn
Sidewalks on the east side of the Nittany Lion Inn between the Inn and the Nittany Parking Deck will be closed for a crane pick to set new equipment for the NLI. Pedestrians will be re-routed around the work area.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/26/2023 12/29/2023 East Entrance Rec Hall
Minor repairs to sidewalk and steps Rec Hall east entrance
Modify Road and Sidewalk closing 12/19/2023 12/20/2023 Curtin Road in front of Pasture Research/USDA at Creamery
A section of Curtin Road at the Pasture Research/USDA Lab will be closed in order to make utility connections for a project at USDA. At Bigler and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Shortlidge Rd. At Shortlidge and Curtin roads, traffic will detour to Park Ave around to Bigler Rd. Access to the Yellow R lot behind Ag Admin WILL BE maintained; there will be no thru-traffic on Curtin. In addition, the sidewalk on the SOUTH side of Curtin Rd in front of USDA will be closed. The sidewalk on the NORTH side of Curtin Rd in front of the Creamery will be open; access to the Creamery will not be closed.
This is the first of two (2) road closings for this potion of utility connection work. The second closing will be on Jan 3 & 4, 2024.
Modify Road Closing 12/16/2023 12/17/2023 Roadway and Sidewalk between Research West and Applied Science Building
Roadway and sidewalk closure from Saturday, 12/16 at 6:00 AM through Sunday, 12/17 at 5:00 PM for crane lift related to roof top air handling unit replacement. Access to the northwest entrance of Research West, Westgate Building Loading Dock, and the Water Tunnel will be obstructed during the crane lift. Parking areas located north of the roadway closure will be blocked during this operation.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/11/2023 12/29/2023 Sidewalk North side of Pattee Library near bus stop
Sidewalk repairs North side Pattee library near bus stop
Modify Parking Spots closing 12/06/2023 12/07/2023 Parking spots in Silver G lot south of Greenberg
A contractor will be conducting test boring work at various locations in the Silver G lot adjacent to the Greenberg Indoor Sports Complex. Individual spots will be blocked off in the lot where the work will be performed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 11/24/2023 South Side Johnston Commons
Install concrete along sidewalks South Side Johnston Commons
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 11/22/2023 Sidewalk along College Avenue
Sidewalk along College Avenue in front of Hammond (near Kunkle Lounge) will be partially closed for well decommissioning project. Pathway for pedestrians will remain around fencing.
Logistics map available if needed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 12/01/2023 Eisenhower Dr
Sidewalks around Eisenhower Parking Deck will be closed in areas throughout the dates 11/20-12/1 Reduced lanes on Eisenhower Drive at various times from 11/20-12/1. Flaggers will be in place. Eisenhower Road Closed 11/28 and 11/29. No through traffic but all access will be open. Enter and exit Eisenhower Parking Deck from Shortlidge Rd. Follow all signage.
Service Parking West side of Eisenhower Deck will be closed on Monday 11/20/ Visitor Parking West of Eisenhower Deck will be closed 11/21-12/1. ADA will be maintained.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 11/24/2023 Sidewalk South Side Robinson Hall adjacent to Parking lot
Resetting permeable pavers between sidewalk and curb on South side of Robinson Hall adjacent to parking lot and sidewalk
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 12/15/2023 Sidewalk North of College
Sidewalks will be closed on the North side of College Ave between Allen and Atherton. Please follow signage and use the Sidewalks on the South side of College Ave.
Parking along College Ave will be blocked on the north side between Allen and Atherton.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 11/24/2023 Sidewalk North side Wagner building
Installing concrete pad for trash receptacle
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 01/01/2024 Bryce Jordan Center gates B & C
Various Concrete/Sidewalk repairs
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/20/2023 11/24/2023 Sidewalk South side Johnston Commons
Installing concrete adjacent to sidewalks South side Johnston Commons
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/19/2023 11/24/2023 Patte Library Main Entrance South Side
Various patching and repointing on steps at South entrance outside revolving doors
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/13/2023 11/17/2023 Sidewalk North Side of 300 Building
Several sections of sidewalks on the North side of 300 Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/13/2023 11/17/2023 West Side Nittany Apt 31
Install new concrete for blue phone west side apt 31
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/13/2023 11/17/2023 Sidewalk South side of Millennium Building
Replacing several sections of sidewalks on South Side of Millennium
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2023 11/10/2023 Westgate Building Level 1 West Exterior Entrance
The sidewalk outside of the Westgate Building Level 1 west entrance will be closed due to construction work. During this time, pedestrian access from the building to outside will use the west stair tower exterior door, but no access from the outside to inside the building will be able during this work.
- Pedestrian detour signage will be in place for this work. - ADA access will not be available at the Level 1 west entrance door. ADA doors will be the Level 1 north building door and Level 2 south building door.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2023 11/17/2023 Sidewalk East Side of University Drive
Sidewalk on the East side of University Drive, South of College Ave, will be closed for construction. Use sidewalk on West side of University Drive. Please follow all signage and detours pointing to appropriate crosswalks to cross.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/18/2023 10/27/2023 Sidewalks The 300 Building
Sidewalk repairs on North and East side of 300 Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/16/2023 10/20/2023 Noll Lab
Sidewalk repairs on South and West side of Noll Lab
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/16/2023 10/20/2023 OPP Ramp East Side
Various concrete patchwork and caulking to the OPP ramp/loading dock east side outside Area 1 shop
Modify Parking Closure 10/10/2023 10/10/2023 Portion of Red A Lot
A portion of the Red A lot at Hallowell Building will be closed during this time.
Additional notification will be provided by the Parking Office.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/09/2023 10/20/2023 Walls and stairwell South side of Millennium Bldg
Masonry repairs to retaining walls
Modify Road Closing 10/09/2023 10/20/2023 Pollock Rd
Failing steam tunnel in need of immediate repairs. Pollock Rd will be closed from the intersection of the access rd to Henderson building to the temporary construction access rd to N. Frear construction site. Access will remain open to the Henderson Building.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/09/2023 10/13/2023 Sidewalk East side Beam Hall
Installation of concrete bike pad east side of Beam Hall.
Modify Temporary Sidewalk Closure 10/05/2023 10/06/2023 Sidewalk between Old Main and Henderson Building
Closure to be at sanitary manhole 304, located adjacent to the existing sidewalk.
Temporary sidewalk closure to complete sanitary lateral scoping effort. Temporary closure will be approximately 4 hours during either Thursday, 10/5, or Friday, 10/6. Signage will be provided to route pedestrians away from the closure.
Modify access to Henderson recievign area and ADA spaces 10/03/2023 10/03/2023 Henderson recieveing area, east side
Access to the building doors and ADA spaces at the receiving area of Henderson building will be blocked for the duration of the job.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/02/2023 10/12/2023 Sidewalks South Side Davey Lab and North Side McAllister
Excavate, concrete and brick paver infill 2 empty tree pits.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/28/2023 10/04/2023 N/A
Sidewalk Replacement east of Lobby entrance to Dieke Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/25/2023 10/03/2023 N/A
Sidewalk West side of Dieke Building along Burrows from West entrance south to alley.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/25/2023 10/03/2023 Sidewalk along Hastings Rd directly below Lasch Practice Fields
Sidewalk work along Hastings Rd. A 40' stretch of sidewalk and curb on the North side of Hastings Rd, directly below the Lasch Practice Fields, will be replaced. A temporary walk will be in place to detour pedestrians around work site. Please use caution and follow detour.
Modify PARKING 09/19/2023 09/22/2023 N/A
Yellow F
(6) Parking spots in Yellow F (North side of Eisenhower Parking Deck) will be blocked off.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/18/2023 09/29/2023 Hintz Alumni Walk and Courtyard
Pressure washing of Alumni Walk and Courtyard
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/18/2023 09/29/2023 Rose & Fragrance Garden Arboretum
Installation of bluestone pavers
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/18/2023 09/22/2023 Eisenhower Road and sidewalks around Eisenhower Parking Deck
Eisenhower Road will be temporarily reduced to one lane at times, between Bigler Road and Shortlidge Road, for work on underground utilities. Please use caution and follow construction signage. Flaggers will be in place. Sidewalks around Eisenhower Parking Deck can be detoured at times.
Eisenhower Visitor Lot will have temporary blocked spaces for underground utility work in that area. Please follow signage in lot.
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/07/2023 09/07/2023 Curtin RD
heading east on Curtin rd. to University Dr. right turning lane will be partially closed prior to intersection.
Modify sidewalk closure 09/01/2023 09/01/2023 Curtin Rd between Shortlidge Rd and the creamery
Utility Services will be investigating a possible sinkhole under steam manhole 114 on Curtin Rd. The crews will run a camera down the sinkhole and may need to block one lane of traffic and/or close the sidewalk to allow access of the camera truck and equipment
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/28/2023 09/08/2023 Davey Lab South Entrance
Reset caps on cheek wall and various repointing of brick
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/28/2023 09/08/2023 Katz Patio and steps West side of building
Reset various steps, repointing and Brickwork.
Modify Parking spaces closed at OPP East Orange Lot 08/23/2023 08/25/2023 Spaces 2018 through 2031 at OPP East Orange Lot
Utilities Construction will be excavating behind those spaces to install conduit, wire, pedestal and a post for an additional parking lot light stemming from a safety concern.
Modify PARKING 08/22/2023 08/22/2023 Lasch Silver J and Yellow M
Lasch Yellow M (7 spaces)and Silver J (15 spaces) will have parking spaces blocked in both lots throughout the day for a crane lift to place new logo signs. Please follow signage and stay clear of work zone.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/21/2023 08/25/2023 Brumbaugh Hall North East Entrance
Remove and install new concrete for bench near NE Entrance to Brumbaugh Hall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/21/2023 08/25/2023 East Entrance Sproul Hall
Install Concrete adjacent to sidewalk
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/21/2023 08/25/2023 Sidewalk NW corner of Findlay Commons
Remove river stone and install concrete adjacent to sidewalk
Modify Road Closing 08/13/2023 08/14/2023 Commuter Drive
Commuter Drive will be closed from Curtin Road through Dauer Intersection, to the Southern end of Commuter Drive for seal coating. The 14th is a rain date.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/11/2023 08/11/2023 Henderson Drive
Pavement Base Repairs will be done Friday morning. Please follow construction signage.
(2) Service Parking Spots at the South end of Henderson Drive
Modify Parking lot closing 08/11/2023 08/18/2023 Brown A; behind Willard Building and between EE East and EEWest
A contractor will be milling and paving the Brown A lot between EE East and EE West and will also be blocking access to the Brown A lot behind Willard. Milling will be done Fri, Aug 11 and should be finished before noon the same day to allow access behind Willard. Paving will take place Tue, Aug 15 and access to Willard will be blocked for the day. Two-way traffic thru the Brown A lot at Deike will be opened up during this time period.
Due to weather, paving for Brown A lot between EE East EE West will now be performed Thur 8/17 or Fri 8/25. Access to that lot and the EEE loading dock will be blocked. Access to the Brown A lot behind Willard will be intermittent during paving and will open back up to traffic when the new paving cools. Two-way traffic thru the Brown A lot at Deike will be maintained during this time period.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/07/2023 08/11/2023 East Entrances Sackett Building
Repairs to Indiana Limestone at the East entrances of Sackett building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/31/2023 08/11/2023 Steps/Sidewalk on South side of Curry Hall
Re-set caps, flashing and brickwork on cheek wall adjacent to steps leading South from Curry Hall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/31/2023 08/11/2023 Sidewalk on South side of Sparks building
Re-install Indiana Limestone Urn on wall S side of Sparks Building
Modify Parking 07/31/2023 10/31/2023 Red H Noll
(3) Parking Spots in RED H Noll Lab will be blocked
Modify PARKING 07/28/2023 10/31/2023 RED A
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/28/2023 07/28/2023 Big Hollow Road
Shoulder backup work on the lower half of Big Hollow Road. Lanes will be reduced. Please avoid the area if possible. Expect traffic delays. Flaggers will be in place to control traffic and lane restrictions.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/27/2023 07/27/2023 Sidewalk along College Avenue by Kunkle Lounge
Portion of Sidewalk along College Avenue by Kunkle Lounge will be closed for Well Evaluation. Pedestrian pathway to the north will remain open.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/21/2023 08/31/2023 Stuart Hall West Entrance
Install bluestone pavers adjacent to sidewalk by West entrance
Modify restricted access 07/20/2023 07/20/2023 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, west end @ garage doors
Access to EDI Highbay and sidewalk from West Deck northeast entrance to EES Building will be closed for an equipment lift by GM McCrossin
Modify Sidewalk Closure 07/17/2023 07/26/2023 Sidewalks West of Stuckman Family Building
Sidewalks around the water tower and West of Stuckman Family Building are closed to allow for cleaning of the water tower.
Modify Parking Stall Closure 07/10/2023 08/17/2023 Service Stalls by Sparks Building
Four Service Stalls by Sparks Building (north end) will be closed for laydown area for the Steam Tunnel Hatch Replacements starting July 10th through August 17th.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/26/2023 08/04/2023 Ramp B Sidewalk Detour
The Southern end of Ramp B will be closed to pedestrians for waterline work. Please follow detour. Also watch for truck/construction traffic entering/exiting University Drive South of Hastings Road.
Due to this work, 12 parking spaces are blocked off on the Southern end of Lot 22
Modify Parking Spots closing 06/22/2023 06/22/2023 Service spots on north side of Keller Building
All Service spots on the north side (Park Ave side) of Keller Building will be blocked off for delivery and installation of a compactor for the new Liberal Arts Building.
Modify Sidewalk 06/20/2023 06/21/2023 Alley Between Engineering Unit A and Sackett/Hammond
Alley Between Engineering Unit A and Sackett/Hammond. Sidewalk West of Sackett.
The area indicated will be closed off for exploratory drilling efforts during the day on Tuesday, June 2oth and Wednesday, June 21st.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/20/2023 06/21/2023 Sidewalk Northeast of Applied Science
The sidewalk(s) northeast of Applied Sciences will be closed off for construction activities.
Access to ASB, Leonhard, EES and West Parking Deck will be maintained. Signage and barriers will be in place to direct pedestrian traffic.
Modify Road Closing 06/19/2023 06/19/2023 Allen Road
Allen Road will be closed from Fischer Road to E. Park Avenue, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Traffic will be diverted to Fischer Road during the one hour closure and East Park Avenue will remain open the entire time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/12/2023 06/16/2023 Sidewalk between Westgate and Water Tunnel
East/West Sidewalk between Westgate and Water Tunnel
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/05/2023 08/11/2023 Commuter Drive
Areas along Commuter Drive will be under construction. Temporary reduced lanes and sidewalk closures. Please Follow all construction signage.
Some parking spaces will be limited and temporarily blocked. Please follow all signage.
Modify sidewalk closure 05/30/2023 07/14/2023 central core campus
Contractor USG INC is on campus to clean & CCTV 30,000 LF of sanitary sewer. Contractor will cone off areas around open manholes while the work is in progress. This work will also result in temporary sidewalk closures and reduced lanes in roadways
A map of the proposed cleaning and CCTV is available if needed
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/30/2023 08/15/2023 Willard Building South Entrance and Sidewalks
South Entrance to Willard will be closed. Will be available for emergency egress only. ADA will use West entrance to Willard. Sidewalks in immediate area will be closed. Please follow all construction signage.
Three Parking Spots in Brown A South East Corner will be blocked for project.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/22/2023 05/22/2023 sidewalk south of Armsby building
Sidewalk closed with detour south side of Armsby building near entrance door to building.
Modify Parking lot restriction 05/19/2023 08/11/2023 Brown A west side of lot between Dieke and EE West.
Modify handicap ramp 05/18/2023 05/26/2023 sidewalk and ramp area behind Pattee Library
Contractor will be removing concrete sidewalk and handrailing to reset a electric handhole box that has settled and created a trip hazard
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/17/2023 07/06/2023 Sidewalk West Side of Dieke Bldg from Steam Alley to Dieke Entrance
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/10/2023 09/28/2023 Entrance and Parking lot south of Wagner and west of shields
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/08/2023 05/24/2023 Curtin Rd
Cuurtin Rd. eastbound land near Pattee/Paterno Library, Curtin Rd Entrance will be closed from 7am - 4:00pm. Two-way traffic travel will remain available with traffic flagger support.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/08/2023 09/29/2023 North Sidewalk of Pollock Road
Sidewalks on north side of pollock road will be partially closed for Steam Tunnel M/O/P abatement and repairs from Willard Building to Boucke Building. Fencing will be set up around hatches for materials/ventilation/equipment.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/08/2023 08/17/2023 Sidewalk from Sackett to Pattee Library (west side of mall)
Sidewalk closure and partial closures for steam tunnel hatch replacements. Sidewalk located in front of Sackett Building (on mall) to Pattee library. Sidewalk will be closed in phases with access to buildings being maintained. Sidewalk in from Pollock Road to Sackett will be opened by July 7th. Sidewalk closure signs will be in place to alert and direct pedestrians. ADA accesses are maintained.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/08/2023 05/19/2023 Bigler Road
Bigler Road between Curtin Road and Park Avenue
The north bound lane will be closed throughout the day to allow for street and sidewalk lighting upgrades. Flaggers will be present to assist in traffic control.
Modify Possible Reduced Lanes and Sidewalk Closures 05/08/2023 08/11/2023 Porter Rd, Curtin Rd, Bigler Rd, Pollock Rd, Shortlidge Rd, College Ave
Replacing/Installing New Street lights. Watch for possible temporary reduced lanes and sidewalks. Follow all construction signage.
Modify Parking 05/08/2023 08/11/2023 Red K
Red K Parking lot will be offline. No parking or through pedestrian or vehicle access from College Ave or Steam Dr
Red K parking blocked.
Modify Intermittent roadway disruptions 05/08/2023 08/11/2023 Curtin Rd
Pattee/Paterno Curtin Rd Entry
Modify Parking Lot Closure 05/08/2023 05/26/2023 Parking Lot Behind Keller and Mateer Building
The OPP Service and Delivery parking spots behind Keller Building will be closed. Access to the Mateer Loading Dock will also be closed during this time.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/01/2023 05/12/2023 Biglar Road Between Park Avenue and Services Road (By New Museum Job site)
Area will be one lane traffic during working hours mentioned. Flaggers will be controlling/Maintaining traffic flow . Fence will be moved back to allow 2 way traffic flow after 5:00 PM
Please avoid this area if possible
Modify Parking Spots closing 04/24/2023 08/11/2023 Brown A between Deike and EE West
a dozen parking spots along the northeast side of Brown A along EE West will be blocked off to allow contractor access and laydown for work down in the EE West courtyard area over the summer of 2023.
Modify parking lot 04/03/2023 04/07/2023 Orange F parking spots
Parking spots on the north side of East area locker room
Modify Sidewalk Closure 03/28/2023 04/05/2023 Sidewalk Closure at Northeast side of Burrowes heading towards Oswald Tower.
The sidewalk starting below the Northeast entrance to Burrowes Building heading South towards Oswald Tower will be closed to repair a steam leak.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/22/2023 08/04/2023 UP Campus
Contractor will begin raising 24 steam manholes to prevent water infiltration. these manholes are scattered across the campus. contractor will begin on Hastings rd near the land and Water building and work west from there
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/07/2023 03/07/2023 Curtin/Bigler Intersection
Will be installing new crosswalk poles and lights on the NW and SE corners of the Curtin and Bigler Roads intersection. Possible short term reduced lanes and sidewalk detours. Please follow detour signage in place.
Modify Road Closing 03/06/2023 03/10/2023 Curtin Road
Curtin Road will be closed between Pennypacker Hall and the Curtin/Bigler Road intersection.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/06/2023 03/07/2023 Sidewalk at Bigler Road near Curtin Road
The sidewalk adjacent to Packer and Bigler Hall along Bigler Road will be closed for the installation of light post bases.
Modify Parking lot restriction 03/01/2023 03/31/2023 N/A
east parking lot behind Dieke will have contractors lifts doing window investigation, abatement and mock-up till end of March
Modify Road Closing 02/23/2023 02/23/2023 one way road on the east side of Headhouse 3 building
One way road that runs between Headhouse 3 and USDA Pasture Research Lab, we will also need the last 3 parking spots on the left closed.
Modify Parking Entrance Closure 02/17/2023 02/17/2023 Yellow M Parking Lot in Front of lLasch Building
The eastern entrance to the Yellow M lot in front of Lasch will be closed during this time. Entrance to the lot can still occur from the western entrance.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/09/2023 02/13/2023 Sidewalk between Field Hockey and Tennis club, from Pegula to Bigler West Field
Sidewalk Closure with start early Thursday morning, then reopen end of Thursday. Closing again on Monday morning and reopen by noon Monday.
Modify Parking lot closing 02/05/2023 02/06/2023 Brown A; ADA and Service Permit spots between EEE/EEW
The parking lot between EE East and EE West will be closed Sunday (Feb 5) afternoon thru Monday (Feb 6) afternoon in order to accommodate a crane that will be installing equipment in the EE West courtyard. Access to the Willard lot and the lot near the EEW loading dock will not be affected.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/21/2022 11/23/2022 West side of campus from Fraser St to White Course apartments
USG Inc. will be cleaning and CCTV the sanitary sewer system on the west side of campus. This contractor will be utilizing off road equipment to access sanitary sewer manholes. Temporary sidewalk closures during work may affect foot traffic.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/16/2022 11/18/2022 sidewalk
Sidewalk between the Nittany Lion Inn and the Water tower will have a small detour onto lawn matts for a water tie in.
Modify Red A Parking Lot - Partial Lot Closure 11/10/2022 11/11/2022 Red A Parking Lot (South of Engineering Services Building)
An area on the east side of the parking lot of the Red A parking lot (towards the Bus station) will be closed for repairs to the asphalt. Access to the parking lot will be through the parking lot's west entrance through Old Railroad Grade.
- The exterior door to Engineering Services will be accessible during this time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/31/2022 11/01/2022 sidewalk South East corner of Runkle Hall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/31/2022 11/01/2022 sidewalk South East corner of Runkle Hall
Modify Limited Sidewalk and Parking access. 10/17/2022 11/14/2022 Office of the Physical Plant
South Entries. Main Lobby Visitor Sidewalk and Parking will have limited access on occasion due to roof construction work occurring in this area. Fencing and signage will be in place as needed.
Access to the building will remain open at all other locations at all times including the publicly accessible route to the northeast.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/14/2022 10/14/2022 Allen at Ford Building
Sidewalk on Allen at Ford Building along the service parking area will be limited access during material unloading. Flaggers will be present. Service parking area at Ford Building will be partially blocked during
Service parking for vehicles will be partially blocked
Modify Parking lot closing 10/13/2022 10/14/2022 Brown A in front of Reber
The two parking aisles immediately in front of Reber will be closed on the dates/times shown for set up of a crane that will be used to remove equipment from Reber. The ADA spots at the north end of the lot will be maintained.
Modify Parking lot closing 10/13/2022 10/15/2022 Access road and Brown A lot behind EE West
The access road between EE West and Steidle, and the parking lot behind EE West at the loading dock will be closed for the dates/times shown for set up of a crane to deliver equipment to EE West. The sidewalk at the EE West loading dock will be closed but the sidewalk at Steidle will remain open. Access to the Willard lot will be available from Pollock Road.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/06/2022 10/06/2022 curtin rd
right turning lane on curtin rd @ university dr intersection north of Pegula Ice Arena
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/27/2022 09/28/2022 Side walk next to West Campus Steam Plant has work at steam manhole.
Work at steam manhole in the sidewalk has pedestrian traffic routed around the work area. Work location is on the West side of N. Burrowess Road next to the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Traffic Impact 09/20/2022 09/20/2022 Tower Road Through Soils Lab Parking lot
Lanes reduced and traffic may be impacted on Tower Road through the Soils Lab parking lot during crane lift operations. Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic
Parking immediately at the entrance to the Soils Lab will be barricaded and closed during crane lift operations.
Modify Road Closing 08/21/2022 08/22/2022 N/A
The main entrance off of Park Avenue, to the West side of the OPP Building, will be closed on Sunday August 21st, at approximately 6am, to Monday August 22nd, at 5am for seal coating, weather permitting.The closure will restrict access to the loading dock on the West side, Orange A Pay station parking lot, and Orange A Laundry parking lot.
Modify Parking Lot closing 08/11/2022 08/12/2022 Access to the Brown A lot BEHIND Willard Building will be closed for the listed dates for paving.
Modify Road Closing 08/10/2022 08/12/2022 Pollock Road (Henderson Mall) and Connector road to Brown B
Pollock Road will be Closed between the access gates, at the Henderson Mall area. Access to Old Main will need to be to and from Burrows Rd, to the West. The connector road to Brown Lot B will be under construction and will be single lanes. Flaggers and signage will be in place. Pedestrian Detour will be in place around this are. Please follow detour signage.
Modify Tree Maintenance 08/09/2022 08/09/2022 Service Rd and Loading Dock on north side of Mateer
Loading Dock of Mateer
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/08/2022 02/28/2023 Westgate Building West Ramp Construction Work
Portion of the Westgate Building west ramp will be closed to equipment trying to access PSU West Campus due to construction work occurring in the area. There will be a (pedestrian only) ramp that will be in place on the south side of the existing Westgate Building west ramp to allow pedestrians to gain access to the sidewalk between Research West Building and Westgate Building.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/08/2022 08/19/2022 Sidewalk around LionShrine/Carpenter Bldg
Sidewalk closures/detours from Carpenter Building to LionShrine.
Sidewalk closed from carpenter building to LionShrine. Sidewalk closures/detours will shift based on phases of project. Portions of sidewalk in front of Lionshrine will be closed. Access to Lion Shrine will be maintained. Pedestrian detours will be in place with appropriate signage. ADA access maintained.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/04/2022 09/30/2024 Fischer Road
The center lane of Fischer road will be used for Westward traffic in front of Moore Building.
Two way traffic will not be impacted
Modify Parking Lot Closure 08/01/2022 08/02/2022 Parking Lot between Breazeale, Academic Projects, and Research East
Parking Lot will be closed for Project Job Trailer Removal
Modify RED V SURFACE LOT 07/25/2022 08/12/2022 Sidewalk and paved lot along Burrowes Road.
The surface lot next to James Elliott Building will be closed for pavement repairs and sidewalk work beginning on July 25 at 7 AM. This work is expected to take 3 weeks and complete by August 12, 2022.
Contractor will have the lot blocked off and pedestrian routing signed. Access via the alley way between James Elliott Building and the surface lot will be maintained.
Modify Closing of Parking Spaces 07/22/2022 07/23/2022 Service Parking behind Keller Building
(7) spots behind Keller Building will be unavailable while a crane is set-up and work is performed from Friday July 22 to Saturday July 23.
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/20/2022 07/20/2022 Burrowes Rd between Curtin and Pollock Rds
Burrowes road will be reduced to One Lane between Curtin and Pollock Rds for a tree removal on the West Halls side of the street. Flaggers will be in use.
Modify Parking lot closing 07/19/2022 07/20/2022 Brown A; behind Willard Building
Access to the Brown A lot BEHIND Willard Building will be closed for the listed date to base pave the entrance to the Willard lot.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/06/2022 08/12/2022 Sidewalk at Curtin / Bigler Intersection
Northeast corner of Curtin and Bigler Roads.
Sidewalk along the eastern side of Bigler Road and the northern side of Curtin Road including the north east corner of the Bigler / Curtin intersection will be closed for construction work. Pedestrian detours will be in place at nearby marked cross walks. This will effect the Campus Shuttle stop located near this intersection. Fencing is set up at the edge of the road to allow access to the curb which will be renovated. Reflective cones mark the fencing for safety.
Modify Parking lot closing 07/05/2022 07/11/2022 Brown A; behind Willard Building
Access to the Brown A lot BEHIND Willard Building will be closed for the listed dates to complete excavation and tie ins for new, underground chilled water lines and potable domestic water lines to EE West.
This is the second of three (3) multi-day closures for this lot to accommodate the installation and connections of utilities for the above-mentioned project.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/05/2022 07/06/2022 Core Campus
Pattee and Pugh St Malls, Borland, Grange-West, Ferguson, Walker, and Burrowes Rd
Modify Parking lot closing 06/29/2022 07/11/2022 Brown A; behind Willard Building
Access to the Brown A lot BEHIND Willard Building will be closed for the listed dates to complete excavation and tie ins for new, underground chilled water lines and potable domestic water lines to EE West.
THIS IS A REVISION to the second of three (3) multi-day closures for this lot to accommodate the installation and connections of utilities for the above-mentioned project. With additional days on the front end of the closure, it is anticipated that access to the lot could reopen earlier.
Modify Tree Maintenance 06/23/2022 06/23/2022 Red V Parking Lot at Eliot Bldg
REd V will be closed from 7am to 4pm for the removal of two trees
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/21/2022 06/22/2022 Sidewalk Between Althouse Lab and CBEB
The sidewalk directly between CBEB and Althouse Lab Buildings will be offline in order to perform construction work at CBEB.
Modify Tree Maintenance 06/21/2022 06/21/2022 Sidewalk on north side of Theatre Bldg b/t Theatre and Hort Woods
Crane Tree Removal along the north side of Theatre Bldg
Modify Parking lot closing 06/17/2022 06/20/2022 Brown A; behind Willard Building
Access to the Brown A lot BEHIND Willard Building will be closed for the listed dates to begin mobilization and excavation to accommodate installation of new, underground chilled water lines to EE West.
This is the first of three (3) multi-day closures for this lot to accommodate the installation and connections of utilities for the above-mentioned project.
Modify Parking lot closing 06/15/2022 08/12/2022 Brown A; ADA and Service Permit spots between EEE/EEW
The ADA and service permit spots located in the Brown A section BETWEEN EE East and EE West will be closed for the listed dates to accommodate installation of new, underground chilled water lines to EE West.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/13/2022 06/30/2022 Sidewalk College Ave Between Burrows and Atherton
Closed for site work project south side of West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Road Closing 06/04/2022 06/10/2022 Portions of Shortlidge, South Eisenhower, Science Drive and sidewalks in the surrounding area
Portions of Shortlidge, South Eisenhower, Science Drive and sidewalks in the surrounding area will be closed until an unspecified time time next week for water line repairs.
Portion of Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower and Science Drive are currently closed until further notice.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/31/2022 07/25/2022 Fischer Road
Fischer Road at Ford Building
Road will be reduced to 2 lanes for construction
Modify reduced parking spaces 05/26/2022 05/27/2022 OPP Fleet parking lot and the OPP east parking lot
Utility Services making two repairs to the sanitary sewer. Access to Fleet parking will be reduced to one lane. and 4 service vehicle parking stalls will be blocked off in the OPP east parking lot
only 4 service vehicle stall will be blocked
Modify Parking Lot Closure 05/23/2022 05/25/2022 Wagner Parking lot and Sheilds' Loading Dock
Wagner Parking lot and Sheilds' Building loading dock will be used for Crane pick for Pegula Chiller replacement. Entrance will be closed.
Modify Road Closing 05/23/2022 05/25/2022 Willard Building to West Campus Chiller Building. This will involve lane restriction on Pollock Ave.
Penn State Cabling Infrastructure will be pulling a new fiber cable through the same route that Comcast did last fall on Pollock Avenue. We will be pulling a fiber-optic cable from Willard Building to West Campus Chiller Building. This will involve lane restriction on Pollock avenue to access a couple manholes. The work is expected to take place next Monday May 23rd through Wednesday, May 25th, between 8AM and 4PM.
Submitted for: Jason R. Wilson System Design Specialist Critical Facility Services; Penn State University Suite 110 USB2, University Park, PA 16802 Office: 814-865-7717 Cell: 814-327-2925
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/23/2022 05/25/2022 N/A
Sidewalks will be barricaded during the lifting times and controlled by job personnel.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/17/2022 05/18/2022 Core Campus
Pugh St Mall, Allen St Mall, Burrowes Rd, Borland, Pavilion Theatre, and Grange Bldgs
Modify ADA Parking spaces in the Orange lot By Katz 05/17/2022 05/17/2022 Orange A 6 ADA spaces
^ ADA Spaces in the North West Corner of OA will be closed for one day so pavement repairs can be made
Make up weather day will be 5/18
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/16/2022 06/17/2022 N/A
Sidewalk west side of Burrows between College and Steam Alley. Storm water tie in. Site improvement work.
Modify Road Closing 05/16/2022 06/10/2022 Road from Porter Hall to McKean Closed
Road will be closed from Porter Hall to McKean road for steam manhole 130 cap replacement. Road closed horse can be removed and replaced for access to South Chiller Building.
Steam Manhole 130 Cap replacement. Temporary boiler to serve Eastview Terrace will be placed in paved area off of McKean road (utilized by Landscaping) for the duration of project.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/16/2022 05/18/2022 Burrows Rd at East Entrance to West Campus Steam Plant
Reduced Lane for Storm Line Connection.
Modify Road Closing 05/16/2022 05/20/2022 New Aly
New Aly between Burrowes Rd. and Miller Alley will partially be closed for window replacement at the Penn State Innovation Hub. Vehicular traffic will still be able to be maintained. The lane will be occasionally restricted.
Modify Road Closing 05/14/2022 05/15/2022 Fischer Road
Fischer Road between Moore Building and Allen Road
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/11/2022 05/12/2022 Sidewalk Between Althouse Lab and CBEB
The sidewalk directly between CBEB and Althouse Lab Buildings will be offline in order to perform construction work at CBEB. Pedestrian access will be detoured during this work.
- emergency access will still be allowed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/10/2022 05/12/2022 Sidewalks North and West of Pegula
Sidewalks will be barricaded during the lifting times and controlled by job personnel.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/10/2022 06/10/2022 Sidewalk at Bigler Road near Curtin Road
Sidewalk along the eastern side of Bigler Road near Curtin and Bigler Halls will be closed for construction work. Pedestrian detours will be in place at nearby marked cross walks.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/10/2022 06/10/2022 Sidewalk at Bigler Road near Curtin Road
Sidewalk along the eastern side of Bigler Road near Curtin and Bigler Halls will be closed for construction work. Pedestrian detours will be in place at nearby marked cross walks.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/09/2022 08/12/2022 RAMP B
Ramp B will be closed to all Pedestrian and motorized vehicles. Please follow construction detour signage.
Modify Road Closing 05/09/2022 07/01/2022 Bigler Road
Bigler Road will be closed from Curtin Road to Eisenhower Road. Follow traffic detour signage. Access to lower Bigler from Curtin or to Curtin from lower Bigler will be detoured by way of Eisenhower and Shortlidge Roads. Sidewalks on either side of Bigler Road closure will also be affected at different times throughout the project. Please follow all pedestrian detour signage.
Modify Road Closing 05/09/2022 06/30/2022 Allen Road
Allen Road between Fischer Road and Park Avenue
Detour signage will be installed to direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/09/2022 07/08/2022 North Barnard Street from Engineering Services Building to South Side of Applied Science Building
There will be 2 areas in the southbound lane of North Barnard Street that will be closed off in order to perform construction work for a new sanitary line.
- The lane will be reduced to one lane at each of these locations. - Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic. - Access to the Red A parking lot main entrance on the south side of Engineering Services will be closed and access to the parking lot will be via Old Railroad Grde / West Campus Drive. - Parts of the east side of Red A parking lot (south of Engineering Services Building) will be closed for construction use. This will affect some of the parking spaces in this lot. These spaces will not be handicap spaces.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/09/2022 12/31/2024 Pollock Road (Henderson Mall)
Work on Pollock Road, between the access gates, will be taking place starting the week of 5/31. The North lane of Pollock, between the gates, will be closed and remain closed for the duration of the project. Select,two-way traffic access through gate on South lane of Pollock only. Yield to oncoming traffic in this area. Various sidewalks near Osmond, Davey, Whitmore, South Frear, Buckhout and Bouke labs will be closed and detoured due to utility-related work in the vicinity. Please follow all vehicle/pedestrian/bike detours and signage.
Brown Lot C (Behind Osmond Lab) The Brown C parking lot, behind Osmond Lab will be closed, with access to the Brown B parking lot and Brown C (Ritenour) remaining available through a detoured route.
Modify Parking Lot Reduction 05/09/2022 05/12/2022 Wagner Parking lot
South East corner of Wagner Parking lot will be used for Crane to remove old chillers and replace on NW Pegula roof.
Modify Parking lot closure 05/02/2022 05/03/2022 parking lot located behind Pond lab
Asphalt patching due to Utility repair
Parking lot will be closed one day to allow contractor to pave the utility cut
Modify Road Closing 04/25/2022 04/29/2022 Brown Lot C
3 Parking Spaces in Brown Lot C need to be blocked off on the South East Corner of the lot. ADA spots will be maintained. Please be aware of work in the area and follow any detour signage.
Modify Parking Lot Spaces Blocked 04/12/2022 04/13/2022 Yellow T Lot across from Redifer Commons
Spaces on the east and west end of the Lot will be blocked for a crane set for tree removals along College Ave
Modify Road Closing 04/11/2022 04/12/2022 Yellow T Lot at South Halls - East End
The east end of Yellow T Lot at Cooper Hall will be closed for a crane set for tree removal along College Ave
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/11/2022 04/15/2022 sidewalk
Sidewalk on East side of visual arts building/West side of Arts and architecture building, entrances to building will not be effected
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/04/2022 04/08/2022 Tyson building side walk
Sidewalk between Shortlidge RD and Tyson Building.
Repairing a steam leak TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/02/2022 04/02/2022 Parking spaces and sidewalks
Location between Electrical Engineering West and Steidle building
Parking spaces, roadway, and sidewalks between Electrical Engineering West and Steidle building will be blocked off due to a crane lift on Saturday, April 2 from 7am to 3:30pm.
Modify Road Closing 03/25/2022 03/25/2022 Atherton Hall Access Drive
The Access Drive to the south side of Atherton Hall off of College Ave will be closed for oak tree pruning over the road. It will be blocked with a high reach
Lot Yellow J will be closed
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/21/2022 03/23/2022 Sidewalk closure on West side of Pavilion Theatre
Due to a dig job to repair an active steam leak near Arts Cottage. The sidewalk between Arts Cottage and Ferguson Building will be closed heading towards the Pavilion Theatre.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 03/16/2022 03/16/2022 Red V Lot
Red V Lot between Elliott Building and Beaver Avenue
Modify Road Closing 03/10/2022 03/10/2022 Green C Lot between McKee Hall and Waring Hall
Area between Waring, McKee, and Watts (Green C Lot) will be closed for a crane tree removal
Lot Green C
Modify Road Closing 03/09/2022 03/09/2022 Nittany Lion Inn Loading Dock and Marriot Bldg - east side
The area beyond the entrance to the Nittany Lion Inn will be blocked for a crane tree removal
Modify Road Closing 03/07/2022 03/07/2022 Mifflin Rd between Pollock Rd and McKean Rd
The road and the Student Parking Lot 81 will be closed for tree removal and pruning operations
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/07/2022 03/11/2022 North Barnard Street from Engineering Services Building to Applied Science Building
A portion of North Barnard Street will be reduced to one lane in order to complete construction work.
- Flaggers will be in place since the road will be reduced to one lane. - Access to parking lot or buildings will not be affected during this work. - Bus Depot access will not be affected during this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 02/28/2022 03/11/2022 Alley between Steam Alley and Westgate Building
Load Bank Trailers will be set up outside West campus electrical substation in the alley used for access to Westgate. Reduced width will still maintain emergency access.
Modify Reduced Lanes 02/24/2022 02/24/2022 Rt26 and University Drive
Notice: Reduced Lanes Area: Rt26 and University Drive Four large permitted loads will be traveling West on Rt26, from SR322, to University Drive. They will then turn South on University Drive and be delivered to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, at 501 University Drive. These loads will be escorted and spread out throughout the day. Please keep a safe distance and leave them plenty of room to make their turns. Short term delays are possible. Start Date: February 24, 2022 End Date: February 24, 2022 Times: From 9am to 3pm each day. Parking is Not Applicable No Additional Comments
Modify Road Closing 02/23/2022 02/23/2022 Eisenhowser Rd between Tyson and Eisenhower Auditorium
Road will be closed for tree pruning over the road between the entrances to both Yellow S Lots
Modify Road Closing 02/14/2022 02/15/2022 green C lot Mckee
access to green C Lot at Mckee hall will be closed
Modify PARKING LOT 02/11/2022 02/11/2022 N/A
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/10/2022 02/10/2022 sidewalk
Sidewalk north of Curtin rd. between ag science and creamery work will be done in grass area west side of bus stop
steam leak TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/10/2022 02/10/2022 sidewalk
Sidewalk north of Curtin rd. between ag science and creamery work will be done in grass area west side of bus stop
steam leak TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Tree Maintenance 02/08/2022 02/08/2022 Yellow L Parking Lot at Weaver Bldg
Parking Lot will be closed to a set up a crane for a tree removal
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/08/2022 02/08/2022 N/A
Collector sidewalk on north end of Forum Building
Extend work on sidewalk to 2/8/2022
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/07/2022 02/07/2022 N/A
Collector sidewalk on north side of Forum Building adjacent to mobile trailer.
Excavate and pour new concrete landing & sidewalk. Alternate routs available.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/07/2022 02/11/2022 sidewalk north of visual arts building
sidewalk north of visual arts building due to steam leak
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/13/2022 01/13/2022 Bigler Road
The southbound lane of Bigler Road will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 13th from approximately 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Two-way traffic will be maintained using the northbound lane, with flaggers on site to direct traffic. The sidewalk approaching the East Deck from the north will also be closed to pedestrian traffic on Tuesday. If there are any questions, please contact the Office of Physical Plant by phone at 865-4731.
Modify Parking 01/10/2022 01/10/2022 Parking Spaces
East side of WCCP
East side of WCCP. Service Parking Spaces will be blocked for a crane pick for two hours. Use service spots in garage if needed.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/04/2022 01/04/2022 Bigler Rd.
The western lane of Bigler Rd. will be closed to allow for a testing trailer during the time indicated. The sidewalk approaching the East Parking Deck from the North will be closed to pedestrian traffic. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/20/2021 12/30/2021 South EES Side Walk
The sidewalk south of EES that connects to the West Parking Deck will be closed for storm line installation during the time indicated. Signage and fencing will be relocated to direct pedestrian traffic.
If traveling from West Gate to the West Parking Deck, please follow the provided pathway to the west of ABS and then south of Leonhard.
Modify Road Closing 12/20/2021 12/20/2021 Park Ave between Allen Rd and Atherton St
Road will be closed for a crane tree removal on Monday,12/20/21. Detours will be through campus.
Modify Parking Lot Closing 12/20/2021 12/20/2021 Yellow M Parking Lot in Front of lLasch Building
Yellow M parking lot in front (Hastings Road) of Lasch Building will be closed for crane setup to remove equipment from the roof.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/20/2021 12/24/2021 N/A
Main sidewalk thoroughfare between northeast side of the Forum Building and the Palmer Museum.
ADA access is still available to this area. Area to be partially fenced off and will include signage.
Modify Parking 12/17/2021 12/17/2021 N/A
Silver B
Two parking spots at Academic Activities (Silver B)will be blocked to gain access to Steam Man Hole. One of these two parking spots is ADA.
Modify parking spots 12/15/2021 01/10/2022 brown lot north of Osmond lab
North side center of lot 6 spaces
Modify Road Closing 12/14/2021 01/31/2022 Access road to Porter Hall off of McKean Road.
Barricades are across part of access road in front of chiller building. Steam manhole ceiling at this location is damaged and vehicle traffic over manhole should be avoided.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/23/2021 11/23/2021 N/A
Area between the Palmer Museum and the Forum Building
Work associated with changing out the existing transformer which is located in a heavily landscaped area adjacent to Palmer Museum.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/23/2021 11/24/2021 Johnston/Findlay Halls
Contractor will have Bypass pumping in place with discharge hoses routed around the buildings with sidewalk crossings
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/22/2021 11/22/2021 N/A
Area between the Sala Building and the Palmer Museum up to the Forum Building.
Moving in double wide trailer to the north side of the Forum Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/16/2021 11/24/2021 N/A
Sidewalks closed on the South side of Westgate Bldg(East side of Atherton) The South entrance will also be closed. Please follow pedestrian detour signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/15/2021 11/16/2021 N/A
Sidewalk will be closed on West side of N. Atherton, from Bus Depot to White Course Road. Detour signage will be in place to use East side of Atherton.
Modify Parking 11/12/2021 11/12/2021 N/A
ARL will have 2 parking spots blocked on the South side of ARL, South West corner of the lot, to install new gas service.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 11/09/2021 11/10/2021 Red A Lot
Red A Lot between Research West and Water Tunnel
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/04/2021 11/04/2021 Shortlidge Road
Shortlidge Road at the Henning Replacement Project will be reduced to one lane for road striping
Flaggers will direct traffic during the closure
Modify Parking Lot Closure 11/04/2021 11/04/2021 Red V Lot
Red V Lot at South side of James Elliott Building
Modify Road Closing 11/01/2021 11/03/2021 Northwest Corner of EES Drop off Area ("Round About")
The round about will be offline while the new West 1 west site tower crane is being erected and this area will be used to offload the tower crane parts and pieces.
Access will not be affected to EES and the West Deck.
Modify Road Closing 11/01/2021 11/12/2021 Bigler Road near intersection of Services Road
Bigler Road will be open to the Entrance to the Orange lot at Katz and deliveries to the Holder Construction site . Housing & Food services ,Hostetter Business ,Salvage ,Big Hollow Road ,Procurement Services and Blue Band Buildings and Lots will need to be accessed via University Drive. The Shuttle will maintain normal pick up using The Orange lot to connect stops . Please do not use the Orange lot for general traffic due to pedestrian risk
Thank you for your cooperation DFB10@PSU.EDU
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/01/2021 11/05/2021 West Campus Drive
West Campus Drive,between North Sparks Street and North Patterson Street, will be reduced to a single lane during daylight hours. Traffic control/flaggers will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 N/A
Sidewalk on West side of N.Atherton, between Bus Depot and White Course Rd., will be closed due to construction.Please follow pedestrian detour around, to the East side of Atherton.
Modify Road Closing 10/26/2021 10/26/2021 Pollock Road
Tuesday October 26th, Comcast would like to pull a cable from the HUB to the West 1 Building project. This will involve closing sections of the Pollock Road to one lane as they access manholes.
For Detail/ Request made by Jason R. Wilson System Design Specialist Critical Facility Services; Penn State University Suite 110 USB2, University Park, PA 16802 Office: 814-865-7717 Cell: 814-327-2925
Modify Tree Maintenance 10/26/2021 10/26/2021 HUB Lawn eastern sidewalk
Sidewalk along the east side of HUB lawn will be closed from Atherton Hall up to the HUB.
Modify Road Closing 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 Shortlidge rd between Park and the north access to Business Bldg
Road will be closed for a street tree removal. Access will be maintained to Business Bldg. Access to the north lot at Warnock will be blocked
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 Palmer Art Museum and Visual Arts Building
Sidewalks closed for Palmer west wing roof equipment replacement by crane. Sidewalks north of Palmer, between the west wing of Palmer and west side of the Visual Arts building, will be closed from the back of Palmer (nearest Stuckeman) to the Visual Arts west side patio and stair tower.
Signage, safety barricades, and caution tape will be temporarily installed to detour pedestrians around the work area.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/25/2021 12/10/2021 Sidewalk along mall in front of Carnegie
East sidewalk of Pattee Mall will be closed from Pollock Road to the Carnegie entrance for Steam Tunnel L repairs and abatement.
Perimeter fencing, signage, and barricades will be installed to detour pedistrians around work area. Alturnamats will be installed to create temporary path through lawn.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/18/2021 10/22/2021 Sidewalk North West of ASB
The sidewalk to the NW of Applied Science Building (ASB) will be closed for the duration indicated. Access and egress will be maintained from the West and East sides of ASB. ASB South loading dock area will not be impacted.
Pedestrians will be re-routed to the North and South of ASB for access to Leonard Building, EES and Core campus. Please follow signage provided to avoid this area.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/18/2021 10/22/2021 side walk
East side of creamery at Bigler and Curtin RD intersection sidewalk will be closed with detour in place due to steam leak
Modify Road Closing 10/09/2021 10/09/2021 McKean Road and Bigler Road
McKean Road Closed from Student Lot 81 to Bigler. Follow detour signage. Bigler Road Closed from Hastings/Bigler/McKean intersection to Student lot 42. Follow detour signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/08/2021 10/27/2021 Sidewalks around Henning Replacement Project
Sections of sidewalk at the West and South side of the Henning Replacement Project will be closed for replacement.
Signage will be placed to detour pedestrian traffic
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/04/2021 10/08/2021 Palmer Art Museum
Two sidewalks closed for roof work at the Palmer Museum of Art. One sidewalk south of Palmer, adjacent the west wing, will be closed from the back of the building (Stuckeman side) to the Palmer Art Museum Plaza colonnade. Another sidewalk north of Palmer, adjacent the west wing, will be closed from the back of the building (Stuckeman side) to the utility pad where Palmer intersects with Visual Arts.
Perimeter fencing, signage and barricades will be installed to detour pedestrians around the work area.
Modify Road Closing 10/04/2021 10/04/2021 Orchard Rd between PArk and Beef fand Sheep
Performing tree work along road
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/27/2021 10/08/2021 Bigler Road at McKean
Single lane Closure on North Bound Bigler Rd at McKean Intersection. Flaggers will be in place to control traffic. Possible temporary delays.
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2021 09/23/2021 South Burrowes Road
Burrowes Road between Calder and New Alley will be closed to remove materials from the new Penn State Innovation Hub. A crane will be on site to remove materials from the construction work. The road will be re-opened each of the days indicated after 3:30PM.
Miller Alley will remain open. jch176@psu.ed
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 Orchard Rd between Park Ave and Wiley Rd
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/20/2021 09/30/2021 Burrowes Rd in front of Deike building
Sidewalk closed in front of Deike building for the construction of new brick "DEIKE BUILDING" sign
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/13/2021 10/29/2021 Sidewalk next to Grange Building
From Pollock Road, there are two sidewalks between Grange and the HUB. The left sidewalk, nearest to Grange, will be closed for contractor use in Grange Building. The sidewalk on the right, nearest to the HUB, remains open as normal.
The sidewalk area in use has blue screen fence and signs are being posted to alert pedestrians on both the Pollock Road side and HUB Parking Deck side of the sidewalk.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 09/13/2021 11/29/2021 Yellow Lot E
Yellow Lot E at Ferguson and Pavilion Theatre will be closed for construction.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 09/13/2021 11/29/2021 Yellow Lot E
Yellow Lot E at Ferguson and Pavilion Theatre will be closed for construction.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 Red V Lot
The red V lot at South side of James Elliott Building will be closed
Modify Road Closing 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 Burrowes Road
Burrowes Road between Calder Way and New Alley will be closed for set up of a crane to remove roofing materials from the Penn State Innovation Hub (Old James Building). Parking at Rider garage and James Elliot will still be available.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/02/2021 09/03/2021 Sidewalk east of Millennium Science south wing.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/01/2021 09/03/2021 Walker building
east side of Walker building next to Atherton street, small section of sidewalk for a vac truck to perform test digs for Atherton street project.
Modify parking lot 08/30/2021 09/01/2021 2 parking spaces
parking lot south of water tunnel building, 2-service parking spots at the north east corner of the lot
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/29/2021 09/01/2021 sidewalk on east side of the water tunnel building
side walk on the east side of water tunnel building. starts south of Westgate building running south 200ft
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/26/2021 09/02/2021 Sidewalk North side of College West side of Burrows from Atherton to Steam Alley
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/17/2021 08/18/2021 Curtin RD sidewalk
sidewalk North of Curtin RD, south of tennis courts
Contractor Pouring section of side walk, detour will be in place. TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/16/2021 08/18/2021 Sidewalk at Curtin / Bigler Intersection
The north sidewalk at Curtin Road and the east sidewalk of Bigler Road at the Bigler / Curtin intersection will be intermittently closed as crews install new site lighting. Detours will be in place at designated crossing areas immediately adjacent to the work areas.
Modify Reduced Parking Spots 08/14/2021 08/18/2021 Yellow R Parking Lot
8 spots at North Side of Yellow R Lot will be offline.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/10/2021 08/10/2021 Walker building
Walker west sidewalk closer for inlet install (between walker and North Atherton)
Modify Parking Lot Closure 08/09/2021 08/13/2021 Red A Lot
Red A Spaces between Research West and Water Tunnel will be offline during this time.
Modify Road Closing 08/04/2021 08/04/2021 Access Road off of Pollock to Brown A lot
The Access road off of Pollock Road, to Brown A lot, will be closed for paving. Use access off of Burrows Road and please follow all construction signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/02/2021 08/06/2021 side walk on west side of Deike building
sidewalk on west side of Deike building beside Burrows rd.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/02/2021 08/02/2021 Sidewalk North side of College from Burrows to Atherton
Closing for unloading truck at south power plant entrance Monday with lane closure.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 07/30/2021 08/08/2021 Red V Lot
Red V Lot at South Side of James Elliott Building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/28/2021 07/30/2021 Sidewalk Work at the Southeast corner of the West Deck
A new sidewalk is being installed at the southeast corner of the West Deck for pedestrian access.
- Pedestrian access will not be affected during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/27/2021 07/28/2021 Sidewalk north side of Steam Alley south of Walker Building.
Restricted for removal of stone lay-down area.
Modify Road Closing 07/26/2021 07/29/2021 West End of Eisenhower Road by Tyson and Eisenhower Aud.
Please enter parking lots from Bigler Road . All lots will be open with the exception of the Yellow S South of Tyson . The Yellow S East of Tyson and all others on Eisenhower road will be open
The shutdown will be Monday Wednesday and Thursday . Tuesday the road will not be affected DFB10@PSU.EDU
Modify Parking lot 07/25/2021 07/25/2021 BROWN A ELECTRICAL
Modify Parking lot 07/25/2021 07/25/2021 N/A
Modify Road Closing 07/25/2021 07/25/2021 PARK AVE MINOR RD 2
PARK AVE MINOR RD 2 to Dairy Barns will be closed 6:00 AM TO 8:00 PM
Modify Parking lot 07/25/2021 07/25/2021 N/A
RED K GATED 9:30 AM TO 10:00 PM
RED K GATED 9:30 AM TO 10:00 PM
Modify Parking lot 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 N/A
Modify Road Closing 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 BURROWS RD SERVICE RD
Modify Road Closing 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 CURTAIN RD SERVICE RD 99 FROM TENNIS CRT TO IM PARKING LOT
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 Curtin Road
Curtin Road at Palmer Museum
Curtin Road will be reduced to 1 lane traffic from 7AM until 3:30PM, Monday - Friday, between 7/26 and 8/13. Flaggers will direct traffic during these times
Modify Road Closing 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 CURTAIN MINOR RD 1 FROM TENNIS CRT TO CURTAIN RD
Modify Road Closing 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 BIGLER SERVICE RD 99
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/24/2021 07/24/2021 N/A
EISENHOWER ACCESS FROM BIGLER RD TO PARKING DECK ENTRANCE 6:00 AM TO 8:00 PM. Traffic will be maintained but impacted.
Modify Road Closing 07/23/2021 07/23/2021 Curtin Rd/Porter Rd Intersection
Curtin Road at the Curtin Rd Porter Road Intersection will be closed for paving. Porter road will be open to South Bound Traffic only. Please follow detour and signage for both Curtin and Porter Roads.
Modify Reduced Parking Spots 07/22/2021 11/30/2021 Red Lot V
14 Parking Spaces at 2nd level of Red Lot V, parallel to James Elliott Building will be closed.
Modify Reduced Lane Width 07/19/2021 08/13/2021 Access Road to Green N Parking Lot
Access Road to Green N Parking Lot at Ag Eng.
Road width will be reduced to 17 feet. Two way traffic will be maintained.
Modify parking lot exit 07/19/2021 07/19/2021 yellow F parking lot exit restricted/shut down
Yellow F parking lot exit north of Eisenhower auditorium will be closed
Modify Road Closing 07/19/2021 08/06/2021 Burrowes Road
Borrowes Rd. will be closed from Beaver Ave to Calder Way for asphalt restoration and CATA bus stop replacement.
Access onto Burrowes from Red A will not be available.
Modify Parking Spots 07/19/2021 08/27/2021 Nursing Science
(2) parking spaces: One is an ADA parking space and the second is the reserved Deans parking space... will be blocked for construction of new wall/sign.
Modify Road Closing 07/16/2021 07/16/2021 access rd north of Davey lab
any parking west of davey lab will not have access
Modify parking lot 07/13/2021 07/14/2021 yellow F parking lot exit restricted/shut down
Yellow F parking lot exit off of Eisenhower RD will be restricted and posable shut down for a short period of time due to a utility repair.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/12/2021 07/15/2021 Burrowes, Curtin, Pollock, and College Ave
We will be spraying large elm trees on Burrowes Rd, Pattee mall, Pugh St Mall, Borland, Ferguson, and Thomas bldgs
Aerial spraying will take place 7/14 from first light to 6am and ground spray will take place 7/15 from 9pm to 3am.
Modify Parking lot 07/12/2021 07/18/2021 Entrance to Nursing and H&HD
Entrance and all parking spots to Nursing Science and H&HD, off of College Ave., will be closed for construction. In the event of an emergency... access for emergency vehicles will be around the East side of Nursing from the Atherton Hall entrance.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/10/2021 07/12/2021 Pollock Rd
We will be spraying Elm Trees from the air on Monday, 7/12, morning from first light to about 6am. Allen St Mall, Pugh Street Mall, Burrowes Rd, and Atherton St
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/08/2021 07/10/2021 Sidewalk West side of Burrows from Steam Alley to College Ave
Modify Parking Spots 07/08/2021 07/08/2021 West Chiller Bldg. East Parking Lot
All Service Permit spots and ADA spots, on the East side of the West Chiller Bldg,will be offline for three hours.
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/23/2021 06/23/2021 White Course Drive will be reduced to One Lane
An area of White Course Drive (West Campus) will be reduced to one lane for a period of time in order to perform construction.
- Flaggers will be in place while work is going on.
Modify Tree Maintenance 06/22/2021 06/23/2021 Innovation Bldv and Porter rd
We will be spraying evergreen trees around the Penn Stater and the Meats Lab from 4:30am to 6:30am
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/14/2021 08/20/2021 Sidewalk along College Ave in Front of Hammond
Sidewalk located along College Avenue in front of Hammond and portion of sidewalk along Burrows Road will be closed for the replacement of steam tunnel hatches. Portions of sidewalk will be closed in phases. Crossing through Hammond at Fraser Street and Kunkle Lounge maintained. ADA access maintained. Sidewalk closure signs will be in place to alert and direct pedestrians.
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/14/2021 07/02/2021 Elm Road
Traffic entering/exiting Ramp B towards Elm Road, near East View Terrace, will be flagged for work taking place on Elm Road. Please follow all traffic control.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/09/2021 06/15/2021 Sidewalk area at the northwest corner of Applied Science Building
The sidewalk will be closed in order to perform construction work on the west side of the ASB Building.
- Pedestrians will be detoured around the south and east side of ASB during this work. - The west entrance to ASB will not be affected during this work. Access from the southwest corner of ASB to the west entrance building entrance will remain open during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 lower Henderson mall sidewalk
West side Henderson south building sidewalk
Crane set up for storm damage Tree removal TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/24/2021 05/25/2021 Porter Rd
on Porter rd from intersection Dauer dr south to last entrance to bjc parking lot. The Dauer dr and entrance to bjc will remain open
Will be completed Monday but may remain reduced lane if we can get a contractor on board Tuesday for paving. TAH389@PSU.EDU
Modify Road Closing 05/21/2021 06/18/2021 Service Road 99
The east access onto Service Road 99, from Big Hollow Road, will be closed starting May 21,2021 and remain closed until June 18. Access from the west, near Hostetter Business Services, will be maintained.
Modify Road Closing 05/20/2021 05/21/2021 Access road between Water Tunnel and Research West
Yellow A Parking and Access road between Water Tunnel and Research West will be closed 7:00AM - 3:00:PM each day
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/19/2021 05/19/2021 Fischer Road
One Lane of Fischer Road in front of Moore Building will be closed
Flaggers will be stationed during this time to direct traffic
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/19/2021 06/11/2021 Sidewalk East Entrance of Willard
Sidewalk around steam tunnel hatch will be closed for abatement containment. Detour utilizing sidewalk around bike racks at the east entrance of Willard. ADA access maintained.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/18/2021 05/18/2021 Fischer Road
Fischer Road at Moore Building will be reduced to one lane.
Flaggers will direct traffic during lane restriction
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/18/2021 05/20/2021 Core Campus
Allen and Pugh St Malls, College Ave, Ferguson Bldg, Ritenour, Atherton St, and Carnegie
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/18/2021 05/18/2021 S. Burrowes Road
A section of S. Burrowes Road will be reduced to one lane between Calder Way and Beaver Ave. during the time indicated.
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/18/2021 05/18/2021 Allen Road
Entrance to Green H Parking Lot from Allen Road
Flaggers will be present to direct traffic during lane restriction
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/17/2021 05/21/2021 South Side of Earth and Engineering Sciences Sidewalk
The sidewalk to the EES south vestibule entrance will be closed due to construction work associated with the West 2 Project.
The other doors to EES building will remain open during this work.
Modify Sidewalk 05/16/2021 05/18/2021 Pollock Road
Section of Pollock Road will be closed from Henderson Dr to Old Main. Access to Henderson Dr may be delayed during crane lifts. The sidewalk on the north side of Pollock in front of Davey Lab will also be closed.
This is to set up a crane in front of Davey Lab to take the telescope dome off of Davey.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/14/2021 05/21/2021 N/A
A section of the sidewalk/bike path located along the West side of Atherton Street between Curtin Road and White Course Drive will be closed. Follow Detour signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/14/2021 08/13/2021 Sidewalks on the North and West sides of Beam Hall.
-Sidewalks will be closed on the North and West sides of Beam Hall. Please follow pedestrian detour signage. -Mckee Street Crosswalk on Park Ave will be closed. Please use crosswalks at Shortlidge or Allen Street. Follow detour signage. -Construction traffic will be entering/exiting Park Ave at Beam Hall.Watch for flaggers and possible short term delays.
Modify Road Closing 05/13/2021 08/13/2021 Curtin Rd/Porter Rd Intersection
-Curtin Road will be closed at the Curtin/Porter Intersection. Please follow detour signage. -Porter Road will be reduced to one way, Southbound traffic only. Please follow all detour signage.
Modify Sidewalk closuer for laydown area 05/10/2021 08/13/2021 Jordan Hall East sidewalk
sidewalk between Jordan Hall and parking lot
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/10/2021 08/06/2021 College Ave/Heister Street
Utility work and constructing a new bus stop on College and Heister Street. Sidewalks will be detoured at different times. Please follow signage in place. College Ave lane restrictions at times. Please follow construction signage.
Four Service spots on the West entrance to Schreyer Honors College will be blocked for the duration of the project.
Modify Road Closing 05/10/2021 08/13/2021 McKean/Hastings/Bigler
-Hastings Rd. will be closed from the five-way intersection to just west of the entrance to Lot Yellow M - McKean Rd. will be closed from Brill Hall to Nittany Hall - Bigler Rd. will be closed from Nittany Hall to the Bennett Child Care Center Please follow all pedestrian and traffic detour signage.
- Silver G - this lot will be closed, and permit holders will be directed to park in any section of Lot 42 near Nittany Apartments - Silver J and Lot 42 - access to these lots will be available only from the McKean Rd. entrance located along Bigler Rd. across from the Millennium Science Complex - Silver B and Lot 22 - access to these lots will be available only via a temporary detour route located on the southbound side of University Dr. Exit from this area will require use of the detour route to westbound College Ave. To access the detour route, vehicles must be traveling southbound on University Dr. - Yellow M - access to this lot will only be available via Hastings Rd. from University Dr.
Modify Sidewalk closuer for laydown area 05/10/2021 08/13/2021 Irvin Hall South sidewalk
Irvin Hall South sidewalk between 2 large trees and brick retaining wall
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/03/2021 05/04/2021 Northeast Corner of the West Campus Chiller Building
We will be performing construction work at the Northeast corner of the WCCP as part of the West 2 project.
- one lane of traffic will be maintained at all times during the work. - This work does not effect pedestrian access.
Modify Road Closing 04/27/2021 04/27/2021 S. Burrowes Rd.
One lane of S. Burrowes Road will be closed on 4/27/21 between Calder Way and New Alley during the hours of 7 am and 3 pm. Flaggers will be provided to direct Traffic.
Modify Road Closing 04/27/2021 04/27/2021 S. Burrowes Road
UPDATE: S. Burrowes Road will be closed on 4/27/21 between Calder Way and New Alley during the hours of 7 am and 4 pm.
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/23/2021 04/23/2021 East Entrance to Bennett Child Care
Contractor will be working on widening the East entrance to the Bennett Child Care Facility off of South Bigler. Flaggers will be utilized. Follow signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/21/2021 05/14/2021 Fraser Rd from Curtin Rd to Sparks Parking lot
Sidewalk reconstruction on Fraser Rd behind Pattee Library. Sidewalk will be blocked for pedestrian traffic. Area will still maintain ADA compliance.
Modify Road Closing 04/13/2021 04/13/2021 Northeast Corner of the West Campus Chiller Building
This area will be closed in order to pave the roadway.
Pedestrian access will still be maintained during this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/07/2021 05/07/2021 University Drive/College Ave
Temporary reduced South Bound lanes of traffic on University Drive and East Bound lanes of College Ave, near University Drive and College Ave interchange. Pedestrian Walkway along University Drive, between College Ave and Hastings will be closed. Please follow all pedestrian detours and traffic control.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/05/2021 10/31/2021 Sidewalk Area between EES, Westgate, and ASB
The West 2 construction fence will be installed in this area.
Access (via additional sidewalks) will be installed so that pedestrian access is still achievable between buildings in this area.
Modify Road Closing 03/22/2021 03/24/2021 Road Between the West Campus Chiller Plant and the West Parking Deck
The road will be closed in order to make utility tie ins associated with the West 2 Project.
- Access to the east side parking lot will be blocked from the north side of the WCCP driveway during this time. - Pedestrian access will be allowed during this time through the area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/22/2021 03/23/2021 Curtin Road
In front of The Palmer Plaza
Contractor will be unloading equipment and loading sculpture to remove from Plaza
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 Turkey Foot Intersection of McKean/Hastings/Bigler
Work(light excavation) will be taking place in the 5 way intersection to locate underground utilities. Please follow signage/flaggers for both pedestrian and traffic control in the intersection.
Modify Road Closing 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 South Burrowes
Travel Restrictions on South Burrowes Street between West Calder Way and West Beaver Avenue On Monday, March 15, Marcon will be occupying South Burrowes Street between West Calder Way and West Beaver Avenue for roof material loading. Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and cause the entire street to be closed. Motorists and pedestrians are advised to use caution when traveling near work areas.
Modify Partial Parking Lot Closer 03/09/2021 03/10/2021 Lot Red A at Hallowell Building
Roughly 8 parking stalls will be closed for window repairs at Hallowell Building on the parking lot side of the Building March 9th and 10th.
This closer will be moved to the following week if weather conditions are not what is needed to make repairs.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/08/2021 10/31/2022 Grass Area South of the Leonhard Building
There will be a building mockup being built for the West 2 project. This mock up will be left in place until the end of the West 2 project (~October 2022).
- Pedestrian access will not be affected with this work. - The south side fire access lane will remain in place during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 Grass Area East of EES Building
There will be work associated with finding existing utilities at the area east of EES.
Sidewalk access will not be effected during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/01/2021 04/02/2021 Lasch Bldg Parking Lot/Sidewalk
Sidewalk along Hastings in front of Lasch Bldg will have a slight detour around work area in sidewalk. Follow signage
East side of Lasch Bldg Parking Lot will be closed (10) spots). Access to loading dock only from East Entrance. Enter Parking Lot from West entrance. Please follow signage.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 Curtin rd
south of tennis courts near IM building sidewalk will be closed
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/09/2021 02/12/2021 Grass Area East of EES Building
The West 2 Project will be doing some investigational work in the grass area just to the east of the Earth and Engineering Science Building.
Modify Short time closing 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 Burrows Road from College Ave to Steam Alley. Steam Alley from Burrows to U Club Alley
Temporary Road Closure for delivery of Boiler to the West Campus Steam plant
Modify Reduced Lanes 02/01/2021 02/12/2021 Driveway at the Northeast corner of the West Campus Chiller Building
The drive way around the northeast corner of the West Campus Chiller Building will be reduced to one lane due to ongoing utility work associated with the West 2 project.
Access will not be restricted to the east side of the chiller building. Fire access will still be able to get to the south side of the Leonhard Biulding.
Modify parking lot 01/25/2021 01/29/2021 parking lot north of The University Club
Digging a trench from north entrance of parking lot to the Fed Ex building for communications
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/18/2021 01/31/2022 South Side of Earth and Engineering Sciences Sidewalk
There will be utility work in the sidewalk / patio area to the southeast corner of EES associated with the West 2 Project.
ADA access is still available to this area and to EES.
Modify Bike Path Closed 01/18/2021 02/10/2021 N/A
REVISED REOPEN DATE DUE TO WEATHER Bike Path will be closed on West Campus between White Course and Corl St. overpass. Please use detour through golf course to Atherton. Signage will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 01/18/2021 01/24/2021 Burrowes Road
Burrowes Road between Calder Way and Beaver Ave. will be closed for tower crane removal. The sidewalk and entrance in front of the James Elliot Building will be closed 1/18/21 through 1/24/21. Access to James Elliot will be directed to the North and South stair towers. Between 1/18/21 and 1/24/21, access and egress from the the parking lot South of James Elliot (Red A) will have to be accessed from Beaver Ave.
Modify Tree Maintenance 12/15/2020 12/16/2020 Allen Street Gates Sidewalks
Both sides of the Allen St Mall will be closed for a tree removal. From the Gates up to the first east/west sidewalk
Modify Road Closing 12/10/2020 12/10/2020 Road between Whitmore and Davey lab
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/09/2020 12/10/2020 North Side Parking Spaces of Research West Building
There will be 4 service parking spots and 4 regular parking spots taken offline temporarily in order to locate the actual location of existing utilities.
The 8 parking spots will be temporarily closed while this work is occurring.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/07/2020 12/18/2020 Sidewalk to Academic Activities Closed
Sidewalk to the main entrance of Academic Activities will be closed for a steam repair/replacement. Main entrance will be closed. Signage for alternative entry/exit of the building will be in place to direct pedestrians.
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/06/2020 12/08/2020 Atherton St at White Course Dr
The turn lane into West Campus will be reduced due to tree work over the lane
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/30/2020 12/31/2020 Sidewalks Along Pollock Road
Sidewalk Closures for steam tunnel hatch replacements. Portions of the sidewalk in front of Davey, Osmond, and Ritenour will be closed at the hatch. Sidewalk closure signs will be in place to alert and direct pedestrians. ADA access will be maintained.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 Sidewalk on south side of Power Plant between Burrows and Atherton
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/25/2020 11/25/2020 N/A
Concrete truck delivery between Reber and Hammond Building
Modify Road Closing 11/24/2020 11/24/2020 Shortlidge Rd between Park Ave and Business Bldg
Modify Road Closing 11/18/2020 11/19/2020 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow Rd closed at the student farm for asphalt patching
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 Access Road between Reber and Hammond Building
Concrete Truck and pump delivery.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/09/2020 11/13/2020 Eisenhower Road
Eisenhower Road at the intersection to Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane to allow for the installation of new natural gas piping by Columbia Gas.
Work will start the week of November 9th and last 3 days, weather permitting.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/09/2020 11/13/2020 Sidewalk at the intersection of Eisenhower and Shortlidge.
Sidewalk will be closed during installation of new natural gas piping by Columbia Gas at the intersection of Eisenhower and Shortlidge. Sidewalk closure signs will be in place to alert pedestrians.
Modify Partial Parking Lot Closer 11/04/2020 11/04/2020 Student Lot 22
Small section of student lot 22 located by Research East will be closed for a crane lift.
Crane lift should only take a couple hours 6AM-8AM
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2020 11/02/2020 Leonhard Building South Side Sidewalk
The sidewalk width will be reduced down temporary throughout the day in order for a concrete pour to occur at the south exterior entrance of the Leonhard Building.
Sidewalk will be open during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2020 11/20/2020 North Access to West Chiller Plant and Sidewalk on North side of West Chiller Plant
No through vehicle or pedestrian access on the North side of the West Campus Chiller Plant/South side of new West Parking Deck. Pedestrian detour to W.Campus Dr. Follow signage
No parking Tech Service vehicles on North or East sides of West Campus Chiller Plant. Park in alley behind West Chiller Plant.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/29/2020 10/29/2020 Access Road between Reber and Hammond Building
Concrete truck delivery for UP - Reber New Instructional Lab
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 Sidewalk by Buckhout and Parking Stalls in Brown C
Several parking stalls in the Brown C Lot (Behind Osmond) and the adjacent sidewalk by greenhouses will be closed for a crane lift on Oct. 28th from 5 am to 8 am.
Modify Parking 10/26/2020 01/28/2022 N/A
Parking Lot Brown 11- East end of Brown Lot 11 on the South side. 10 spots will be blocked and used for a project trailer.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/26/2020 12/30/2022 Area Between EES, Leonhard Building, and Applied Science Building
The grass area between EES, Leonhard Building, and Applied Science Building will be reduced in order for the new West 2 Building to be built in this area.
All of the buildings (ie EES, Leonhard Building, and Applied Science Building) will still be able to be accessed during this time.
Modify Parking Lot Restrictions 10/21/2020 10/28/2020 Parking lot directly south of Hallowell building
Parking lot directly south of Hallowell Building will have limited access on Tuesday, October 27 from 5am to 5pm due to crane lifts.
Modify Road Closing 10/20/2020 10/23/2020 N/A
Access road from Pollock Road to Brown A Between Steidel Building and Willard Building will be closed . Please access Brown A from Burrows Road .
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/08/2020 10/09/2020 Linden Rd
Linden Rd at McKean rd intersection.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/08/2020 10/09/2020 Linden Rd
Linden RD at McKean rd. intersection, closed for 1-2 hours for a test dig of utility.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/08/2020 10/09/2020 Linden Rd
Linden RD at McKean rd. intersection, closed for 1-2 hours for a test dig of utility.
Modify Road Closing 09/28/2020 09/30/2020 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow RD near student farm, trenching for duct bank, will have a open excavation for 3 days, will rd plate in evenings.
Modify Road Closing 09/21/2020 09/21/2020 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow Rd closed in front of student garden
Modify Road Closing 09/21/2020 09/21/2020 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow RD closed near student garden
Modify Road Closing 09/21/2020 09/21/2020 Big Hollow RD
Big Hollow RD closed near student garden
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/09/2020 09/12/2020 N/A
west side of pavilion Theatre
steam leak repair
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/31/2020 09/01/2020 Shortlidge Mall sidewalk partial closing due to construction work. No detours required.
Partial closing of the Shortlidge Mall sidewalk on the West side is required to perform repair work on the storm piping. The East side of the sidewalk will remain open the entire time and all ADA access will be maintained.
Modify Partial Parking Lot Closer 08/10/2020 08/10/2020 Deike Parking Lot
3/4 of the Deike parking lot will be closed for a crane lift. Traffic will still be able to pass through the lot in one direction (north).
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/07/2020 08/14/2020 Eastern Sidewalk Along Bigler Between Park Ave. & Curtin Road
The east sidewalk along Bigler between Curtin and Park Avenue will be closed for construction. Closure signs and directional signage will be set up at the nearest crosswalks.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/04/2020 08/07/2020 Parking lot directly south of Hallowell building
A section of the parking lot that is along the southern side of Hallowell Building will have limited access on Wednesday, August 5 and Thursday, August 6.
Parking spaces will be blocked off for crane lifts.
Modify Road Closing 08/03/2020 08/03/2020 Entrance to Metered parking by deck off Eisenhower drive
Entrance from Eisenhower drive will be closed . Please use Entrance from Shortledge Road by Live Science to enter this area
Sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/03/2020 10/09/2020 North Atherton Street (South Bound Lanes)
South Bound Lane of Atherton Street, between Curtin Road and White Course Drive, will be reduced to a single lane, for construction of a new turning lane, onto White Course Drive. Expect some delays.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/31/2020 08/28/2020 Sidewalks
Sidewalk on the West and North sides of Leonard Bldg will be closed for work in electrical manholes and duct banks.Please follow detour signage around the South side of the Leonard Bldg.
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/27/2020 09/11/2020 Curtain Road and Sidewalks
Westbound lane closure on Curtain Road in front of East Halls. North CATA Bus stop and surrounding sidewalks closed. Access to IM/Wagner YH lots will remain open. Detour from Lot 82 to Park Avenue.
Steam Manhole 119/120 Repair and Replacement. Pedestrians will be routed to the sidewalk on the south side of Curtain. South CATA Bus Stop will remain open. Updated: 6/24/20
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/27/2020 08/07/2020 South Main Entrance @ Patee Library
Working on-site wall on right side of steps, the work area will be fenced in and entrance into building will remain open
Modify Road Closing 07/20/2020 07/24/2020 Pollock Road West . Fraser road from Pollock . Brown A from Pollock
Pollock will be closed in front of Willard Building blocking both access to Brown A , Brown E and all through traffic . Enter Brown E From Curtin Via Fraser . Enter Brown A from Burrows . Old Main access will be from East Pollock (HUB) side only .
Sorry for the inconvenience . We are lifting two self contained Air units on the roof of Willard and the Crane and truck will be blocking the road
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/16/2020 08/12/2020 Sidewalk in Shortlidge Mall
Sidewalk in Shortlidge Mall around Tunnel Hatches
Two sections of sidewalk in the Shortlidge mall will be fenced off for tunnel hatch replacements. One is located closer to Pollock Road on the Thomas building side and the other is located in the plaza.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/16/2020 08/07/2020 Sidewalk on Mall in front of Sackett and heading towards Williard.
Contractor doing work in the steam tunnel located below the sidewalk, will have equipment placed on the sidewalk at three location. The sidewalk will remain open and ADA access will be maintained, but barricades will be in place and the sidewalk will narrow at the equipment locations.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2020 07/27/2020 Shortlidge and Mifflin Roads
The curb cut on Shortlidge, near the HUB and the curb cut on Mifflin, near Mifflin Hall, will be replaced. Pedestrians will be rerouted with signs to other side of sidewalks during this work. Flaggers will be used to reduce traffic lanes during concrete pouring, estimated to take 45 minutes for each curb.
Concrete pours will be on 7/20 and 7/24 at each location. The work on 7/24 will require curb cuts to be blocked off over the weekend until Monday morning on 7/27. This will close access to the McElwain Loading Dock from Mifflin, and also close access from Shortlidge to the service road between the HUB Parking Deck & White Building from 7/24 to 7/27.
Modify Partial Parking Lot Closer 07/14/2020 07/14/2020 Deike Parking Lot
3/4 of Deike parking lot will be closed for a crane lift taking place at Deike Building.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/09/2020 07/10/2020 Burrowes Rd, Allen St Mall, Pugh St Mall
Burrowes Rd, Allen St Mall, Pugh St Mall, Shortlidge Mall, Ritenour, Ferguson, Walker, and College Ave
Modify Parking Lot 07/07/2020 07/07/2020 Brown A
Lot between Deike Building and Electrical Engineering West
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/07/2020 08/14/2020 Sidewalk South of Whitecourse
The Sidewalk that runs parallel with White Course from Atherton will be closed. Follow detour signage. Pedestrians will be urged to use the Westgate Bridge to cross Atherton.
Modify Road Closing 07/06/2020 07/24/2020 Burrowes Road
Burrowes Road between Calder Way and Beaver Ave. will be closed for utility installation work and tower crane erection. The sidewalk and entrance in front of the James Elliot Building will be closed 7/20/20 through 7/24/20. Access to James Elliot will be directed to the North and South stair towers. Between 7/20/20 and 7/24/20, access and egress from the the parking lot South of James Elliot (Red A) will have to be accessed from Beaver Ave.
Modify Road Closing 06/26/2020 08/10/2020 North Barnard Street
Portion of North Barnard Street Closed to thru traffic. Temporary access available from Hallowell Parking Lot. Sidewalk will be closed with proper signage.
Road closure required for steam project. Designated parking stalls will not be impacted on North Barnard Street. Four (4) parking stalls will be impacted in the Hallowell lot for access to manhole. No access to Research Building West north loading docks.
Modify Parking Spots/Loading Dock Access 06/24/2020 06/24/2020 Loading Dock Access and Service Parking Spots at Ford Building
Loading Dock Access and Service Permit Parking Spots at Loading Dock will be closed.
Modify Road Closing 06/24/2020 06/24/2020 Hastings Rd
Hastings Rd will be shutdown from University DR to the Lasch Building.Lasch parking will have to be accessed from Bigler Rd.
Modify Tree Maintenance 06/17/2020 06/18/2020 Innovation Park and West, Central Campus, and areas north of Park Ave
Evergreen trees and hedgerows
Modify Tree Maintenance 06/15/2020 06/16/2020 Innovation Park and West, Central Campus, and areas north of Park Ave
Overnight Spraying for bagworm caterpillars with biocontrols - Evergreen trees and hedgerows near wooded areas
Modify Road Closing 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 Hastings Rd between Lasch and University Drive
Road will be closed for a tree take down and pruning over the road. Access to Lasch parking lot will be maintianed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/08/2020 08/07/2020 Sidewalk North side of Pollock Rd at South end of Millennium Science Building
Sidewalk closed between CATA bus stop and Mifflin Rd.
Modify Road Closing 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 Service Road from Steam Alley to Westgate
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/08/2020 10/08/2020 Sidewalk East side of Millennium from Pollock Rd to Lobby/Atrium Entrance walkway.
Modify Road Closing 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 cross walk on the South West corner of Waring Commons
Valve box replacement at cross walk
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/02/2020 06/03/2020 West entrance to Rec Hall sidewalk
digging in flower garden for steam repair under sign
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/02/2020 06/03/2020 West entrance to Rec Hall sidewalk
digging in flower garden for steam repair under sign
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/26/2020 05/27/2020 N/A
Allen St Mall, Pugh St Mall, Burrowes Rd, College Ave, and multiple single tree sites on core campus
Modify parking spaces 05/14/2020 05/22/2020 parking lot and entrance
Academic projects building North parking lot
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/11/2020 06/15/2020 N/A
Sidewalk between West Campus Chiller Plant and Allegheny Power Substation which connects to West Campus drive.
Modify Road Closing 05/11/2020 06/05/2020 Pollock Rd between East of Mifflin Rd and Pollock Commons Parking entrance West of Bigler Rd
Road Closure required for Facade Repair on south end of Millennium Science Building. Vehicle Traffic possible through parking lot in front of Pollock Building. Pedestrian Traffic access available on south side of Pollock Rd
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/11/2020 08/21/2020 Between Chandlee lab and Davey Lab
Upper Henderson Mall from pollock rd between Chandlee lab and Davey Lab to the enterence rd to burrowes building
Will be fenced off and emergency exit only from west door of Davey lab and east door of Chandlee lab
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/11/2020 08/17/2020 White Course Dr
Possible Lane closures and delays
Red A Golf North Lot will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2020 03/13/2020 north side of Pattee library entrance.
partial side walk closer at the entrance of Pattee library to the curb on Curtain RD
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2020 03/13/2020 Exterior Steps
The exteriors steps between Muller and Whitmore will be repaired
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2020 03/13/2020 Pattee Library
Southwest side between Pattee and Sparks the site wall is being repaired
Modify Road Closing 03/09/2020 03/13/2020 Watts Hall
The parking space area behind Watts will have a lift there for the chimney repairs on Hamilton Hall
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2020 05/22/2020 West to East sidewalk on north side of Walker Building
Temporary sidewalk will be available for limited access.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2020 04/17/2020 North to South Sidewalk parallel to Atherton from Westgate to Walker.
Temporary Sidewalk will be available for access to the East to connect to West-gate service road and unnamed alley East of West Campus Substation.
Modify Reduced Lanes and Sidewalk Closure 03/04/2020 03/14/2020 Fischer Road
Intersection of Fischer Road and The Nittany Lion Inn access drive to Marriott Building will be reduced to single lane. Sidewalk access will be restricted.
Signage and Flaggers will be in place to direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Single Lane and sidewalk closure will only occur during working hours.
Modify Sidewalk Closure 02/19/2020 02/19/2020 S. Burrowes Road
One lane of Burrowes Road will be closed in front of the James Building Project Site. Flaggers will be on staff to direct traffic and maintain travel. Pedestrian traffic will be directed to the other side of Burrowes.
CATA bus stops will still be available.
Modify Parking Spaces 02/17/2020 02/18/2020 12 Parking Spaces on West side of West Campus Apartments
Traffic will be flagged during the day 6 spaces on each side of the lot (West Side of Apartments) will be closed from Friday morning until Monday evening
Modify Parking lot/deck 01/22/2020 01/23/2020 James M Elliott Bldg-Bsmt Parking Structure
Modify Parking Lot 01/20/2020 01/20/2020 LOT YS between TYSON and HH2
Due to crane lift happening at Tyson on 1/20/20 the parking lot YS between Tyson and HHS will be off line from 6 am - 2 pm.
Modify Road Closing 01/20/2020 01/24/2020 Schreyer Lane
Schreyer Lane will be closed for Tree Removals from 7am to 4pm each day
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/16/2020 01/24/2020 South Burrowes
Side walk adjacent to Rider Building and James Building (between College and Beaver).
The pedestrian traffic will be directed to the opposite side of Burrowes for the duration indicated. The CATA bus stop in front of James-Elliot Building will remain in service. Closure required to allow for equipment to work along Burrowes for the James Building Project. jch176@psu.edi
Modify PARKING LOT YS OFFLINE 01/03/2020 01/03/2020 Parking lot YS between Tyson and Head House 2
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/17/2019 01/30/2020 Service Road from Steam Alley to Westgate
Service road that turns north off of Steam Dr. Continues to parking for fraternity, entrance to West Campus Electrical Substation, Landscaping stockpile, and West Gate.
Required to replace Sanitary Manhole 152 located at the south east corner of area south of the WC Substation and Columbia Gas service entrance.
Modify Parking 12/02/2019 06/30/2021 North West Corner of Red Lot A
Red Lot A North West Corner... North of Chiller Bldg... will be closed
Modify Parking 12/02/2019 12/20/2019 Lot Brown 11 Grubb Hall
8 spaces on the East end of Brown 11 Lot will be blocked while a connector to the Chiller Bldg Lot is constructed. Signage and barricades will be in place, as well as any detours needed for pedestrians.
4 Spaces on East end of each side. 8 spaces total.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/02/2019 04/30/2020 Sidewalk and Seating area on the east side of Walker Building
Sidewalk after southeast entrance to the new temporary northeast entrance and east to west campus electrical substation.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/02/2019 12/06/2019 Section of Sidewalk north of West Campus Electrical Substation
Sidewalk closure requested Dec. 2 - Dec. 6, 2019 for temporary sidewalk installation to allow access to Walker Building's Northeast entrance.
Modify Road Closing 11/25/2019 11/25/2019 N/A
The Wastewater Crew will be making a repair to a sewer line at the entrance to the Hub Loading dock area. The work will impede all traffic from entering and exiting the area for approx. 6 hrs. We are planning on starting at 6:30AM and plan on being done no later than 12:30PM Please contact Garry Beck for questions/concerns. Garry Beck Supervisor Pennsylvania State University Office of the Physical Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant 501 University Drive, State College, PA 16801 Email: | Phone: (814) 865-5957 Cell: (814) 506-5008
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/25/2019 11/27/2019 Sidewalk between East Parking Deck and Forest Resources Building
The sidewalk will be blocked to investigate utilities in this area. This will be for the length of these buildings. The area will be opened as soon as this is complete.
There will be signs and barricades for this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/25/2019 11/25/2019 Burrowes Rd
Burrowes Rd along Waring Commons
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/18/2019 12/05/2019 Sidewalk areas along Bigler Rd near Millennium Science Complex
The sidewalk along Bigler Road at the east end of the Millennium Science Complex (MSC) will be closed to allow workers to access the brick facade on that end of MSC. In addition, the sidewalk between the northeast end of MSC and the Student Health Center will also be closed to allow workers to access that portion of the brick facade in that area of MSC. Pedestrians will still be able to utilize the sidewalk on the opposite (east) side of Bigler Rd across from MSC, and will be able to access the sidewalk between MSC and the Eisenhower Parking Deck. Fencing/barriers will be in place and signage will be in place at the nearest crosswalks.
Modify Road/Sidewalk work 11/18/2019 12/11/2019 White Course Drive and adjacent sidewalks
Road Work on White Course Drive will take place to excavate/regrade the right turn lane, West of Red Lot A. EES Bus Stop and Exit to be maintained. Bus will traverse through the parking lot inbound, and follow normal routing outbound. Sidewalks and existing turning lane will be affected but maintained. Signage/Barricades/Fencing will be in place to detour pedestrians and traffic appropriately.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/13/2019 11/20/2019 N/A
Sidewalk West of Earth and Eng Science bldg will be closed.
(2)Service Spots West of Earth and Eng Science blocked
Modify Parking lot 11/07/2019 11/07/2019 Orange Lot U
ONLY the South west section of the lot will be closed to setup a crane to hoist a new roof top unit on the USB II building rooftop.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2019 11/05/2019 sidewalk front of Rec Hall at Zagster bicycle Rack, near bus stop
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/28/2019 10/31/2019 Jordan East Commuter Parking Lot
The northeast corner of the parking lot (near Beaver Stadium) will be closed at times throughout the day in order to perform construction work.
Parking access throughout the parking lot will be limited, but there will not be any parking spaces taken out of service during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/22/2019 10/25/2019 sidewalk at entrance of EE West
Sidewalk repair work will close portions of the plaza area at the south entrance to EE West.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/21/2019 10/25/2019 sidewalk in front of Rec Hall near bicycle rack
east side REC Hall near Burrows RD around bicycle rack. Side walk will be closed with detour
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/16/2019 10/17/2019 GB Lot between Ford and Mateer
Reduced Lane in GB lot located between Ford and Mateer for Steam Manhole Shoring.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 Sidewalk Between BHB and HHD
Partial Sidewalk closure at Steam Tunnel access located between Biobehavioral Health Bldg and Human & Health Development Bldg. Only one side of sidewalk will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/14/2019 10/25/2019 Park Ave and Sidewalk South of Park Ave between Atherton and Shortlidge.
Sidewalk south of Park Ave between Atherton and Shortlidge will have temp detours and closures to install new street lighting.
Service Spots north of Keller Bldg and 3 spots east of Leete Bldg will be closed throuh the week of 10/21
Modify Road Closing 10/14/2019 10/15/2019 Curtin Road
ADA cross on Curtin Rd near the museum of the stadium will be closed Monday and Tuesday night for road repair. The alternate route is via parking lot
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/02/2019 10/18/2019 Bigler & Pollock
Trip Hazard repairs at an entrance way into Nittany Apartments
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/02/2019 10/18/2019 Curtain & Shortlidge
Sidewalk repairs at the corner of Tyson along Shortlidge and Sidewalk repairs at Ag Admin along Curtain
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/30/2019 10/11/2019 Earth Eng & Science
South/East entrance repair tripping hazards
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/30/2019 10/01/2019 sidewalk closed, south of Bigler Hall
North of Curtin rd, Start from Bigler Curtin intersection ends 140 ft east
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/30/2019 10/01/2019 road between Osmond and Davey lab
inlet repair.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/24/2019 10/03/2019 Sidewalk along Burrows at Reber
Sidewalk repairs along Burrows at the Reber Bldg
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/23/2019 09/29/2019 CBEB North Patio Area
Sections of the north patio area of CBEB will be closed due to construction work.
- Access will still be permitted at the northeast main entrance doors during this work. - Emergency egress through the first floor exit only doors will still be permitted during this work (in the event of an emergency).
Modify parking spaces 09/23/2019 09/24/2019 stadium west parking lot
6 parking stalls near 1350
steam leak repair
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/15/2019 10/16/2019 Park Ave and Sidewalk South of Park Ave between Atherton and Shortlidge.
To replace/add new street lights on the South side of Park Ave. Between Atherton and Shortlidge Rd. Sidewalks on Park Ave between Atherton and Shortlidge will have occasional short term temporary closures. Detour/sidewalk closed signage will be in place.
The 2 Service parking spots North of the Keller Bldg and also 3 parking spots East of the Leete Bldg. These spots will be blocked for a lay-down area for materials and equipment.
Modify and partial road closing 09/03/2019 09/12/2019 Allen rd
Allen rd from the intersection of Curtin rd going North to first cross walk Tuesday 9/3 Road closed both directions from 6am-4pm south bound lane reopened from 4pm till 6am 9/4 Wednesday 9/4 Road closed both directions from 6am-4pm south bound lane reopened from 4pm till 6am 9/4 Thursday 9/5 Road closed both directions fro 6am-12pm Both lanes reopened 12pm
Modify Tree Maintenance 08/19/2019 08/21/2019 Sidewalks between Armsby, Arts Cottage, and North Frear
Storm damage in the big Buckeye necessitates crane work Tuesday morning
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/19/2019 08/30/2019 Noll Lab
North entrance steps Note: entrance will not be closed down Also rooftop parapet repairs
Modify Road Closing 08/19/2019 08/20/2019 Eisenhower Road
Eisenhower Road will be closed at the intersection with Shortlidge Road for Columbia Gas to repair a natural gas leak. The sidewalks will be closed on both side of Eisenhower Road near the intersection.
Parking to Eisenhower Parking Deck will be accessed from Bigler Road onto Eisenhower Road.
Modify One Way Traffic Only 08/14/2019 08/14/2019 Bigler rd
Bigler rd on east side of creamery just north of the Curtin rd intersection, Inlet repair.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2019 08/21/2019 OPP Stores
Installation of 2 concrete pads at OPP storage buildings
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/12/2019 08/22/2019 Sidewalk along Pollock Road
Sidewalk closed along Pollock Road for tunnel hatch replacement near the Shortlidge mall. Includes closure of ADA ramp on north end near the intersection with Shortlidge Road.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/05/2019 08/14/2019 Stadium West
ADA ramp on east side of the entrance off Park Av and at the entrance into the parking lot
Modify Road Closing 07/24/2019 07/28/2019 Burrowes Road starting at the Alley between Reber and Hammon, ending at Steam Alley
Required closure for road patch repair.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/18/2019 07/26/2019 Eisenhower Road
Eisenhower Rd at the entrance into USDA Bldg parking lot the ADA ramps will be reconstructed and paving at road drain grate
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/16/2019 07/16/2019 Burrowes Rd, Allen St Mall, Pugh St Mall
Spraying the Elm trees lining the Allen and Pugh St Malls and Burrowes Rd
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2019 07/19/2019 Window Cleaning at CBEB
The CBEB project will be cleaning the exterior windows of CBEB. There will be areas that will be temporary closed during this time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2019 07/19/2019 N/A
Thomas Building north court yard, sidewalk will be closed for hot water piping repair.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2019 08/09/2019 Sidewalk at NE Entrance to Sparks Building
The sidewalk at the NE entrance to Sparks building will be closed.
Signage will be located to detour pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2019 07/19/2019 N/A
installing duct bank on north east side of Walker building. The side walk running from Atherton to Burrows will remain open only the side walk running from North east corner of walker building running north 70 ft will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/15/2019 07/18/2019 Southwest Corner of Eisenhower Auditorium (Along Shortlidge Road)
The sidewalk will be closed in order to install an ADA ramp.
Access will be allowed around the work area while the construction work is ongoing.
Modify parking spaces 07/12/2019 07/12/2019 parking stalls
the parking area south of Pavilion Theatre and north of Ferguson Building. Handy cap stalls will remain open
Inlet repair.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/08/2019 09/30/2019 Sidewalk and stairs between Eisenhower Parking Deck and Millennium Science.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/08/2019 08/09/2019 Bjc Ticket Pull Off Parking
BJC Sidewalks on the South side of Curtin Between University Drive and BJC Ticket office will be closed. Use detour on North side of Curtin Road. Ticket Office will remain open.
Parking Area for Ticket Office will be closed.
Modify parking spaces 07/03/2019 07/03/2019 Research Building East south parking lot
The parking lot south of Research Building East. Parking stalls near east end of center islands (8) total stalls
Modify Parking Lot 06/10/2019 06/28/2019 Road/Parking lot south/west of Nursing Science
Glass replacement project is taking place at north east/west, and south west elevations. Road/parking space south of nursing science & west of nursing science (between HHD & Nursing Science) will be limited until June 28th 2019
Contact Mark Gates 865-8762 for more information.
Modify Road Closing 05/28/2019 07/01/2019 Curtin Road & BJC Ticket Office pull off parking
Road Closure. Curtin Road will be closed between University Drive and Porter Road. Access will remain open to Commuter Drive. Follow Detour. Sidewalks will be closed. Follow detour to access BJC Ticket office, Stadium West Lot
The pull off parking area for the BJC ticket center will be closed, but access to the ticket office will be accessible by parking at BJC East lot or Stadium West lot.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/23/2019 05/23/2019 West corner of Tyson and West corner of Eisenhower Auditorium
Tunnel grates open, coned
Modify Tree Maintenance 05/22/2019 05/22/2019 Burrowes Rd
Northbound lane on Burrowes Rd will be closed between Pollock and Curtin Rd in the area of Waring Commons
Modify Reduced Lanes 05/22/2019 05/22/2019 Burrowes Rd
The northbound lane between Pollock and Curtin Rds will be one lane in the area of Waring Commons
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/20/2019 07/01/2019 Bigler Rd Sidewalk on East end of Millennium Sciece Building
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/18/2019 05/19/2019 Pattee & Allen St Malls, Burrowes Rd, College Ave, Shortlidge Mall
We will be spraying Elm trees from 9pm Saturday night through 7:30am Sunday morning. Spotters and signage will be in place around all operations. Any problems, please call 814-880-2220
Modify Road Closing 05/17/2019 05/17/2019 Shortlidge Road between Tyson Building and Eisenhower Auditorium
The road will be closed due to a crane pick at CBEB.
Signage will be in place to direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic around the work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/17/2019 05/17/2019 Sidewalk at Northeast Corner of CBEB
The CBEB main building entrance (at the northeast corner of the building near the CBEB jobsite trailer) will be closed in order to perform construction work.
signage will be in place during this time to direct pedestrians around the work area.
Modify Road Closing 05/10/2019 05/11/2019 Primary Entrance to Lasch / East Area Locker Room (Orange F) Parking
The primary entrance to the Orange F Parking Lot situated between East Area Locker Room, Lasch and Holuba Hall will be closed to prepare for a crane lift. The parking lot will be accessible from the secondary northern entrance facing the Tennis Facility.
Parking should not be affected
Modify Also parking 05/06/2019 05/24/2019 North West Corner of BJC (Gate A)
Sidewalks to the North West corner of BJC will be closed. No access to Gate A. Pedestrians will be detoured to walks on the North side of Curtin Rd. Access to the ticket office will be open.
All Parking (for the ticket office) immediately North of BJC will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/06/2019 05/24/2019 Sidewalk west side of Burroughs between WCSP E. Gate to Steam Alley
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/26/2019 04/26/2019 Sidewalk along Curtin Road at Paterno Library
Sidewalk along Curtin Road at Paterno Library will be closed to allow the construction fencing to be removed.
Detour signage will be placed to direct pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/17/2019 05/03/2019 Tower Terrace Patio
Construction: Expanding the size of the Tower Terrace Patio with addition of concrete area.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/04/2019 04/04/2019 Northeast Entrance to CBEB
The northeast (main) entrance to CBEB will be closed due to the new building ribbon cutting ceremony.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/25/2019 03/26/2019 CBEB West Exterior Building Entrance
The west building entrance to CBEB will be closed in order to repair the walk-off entrance mat.
- Signs will be posted in order to direct pedestrian traffic to the northeast main building entrance during this work.
Modify Parking lot closing 03/25/2019 03/24/2021 N/A
Brown A lot Behind Willard will be closed . the entire lot on the South side of Willard
due to construction of the Willard Building this portion of the lot will be closed
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/05/2019 03/05/2019 McKean Rd
A section of sidewalk will be closed to allow for steam line repairs. Barricades will be placed around the work area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/04/2019 03/04/2019 Allen Street at Park Ave
The Right Turn Lane at the Allen/Park Ave intersection will be reduced to a half lane to accommodate a crane removal of a damaged tree at Hort Woods Child Care
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/04/2019 03/08/2019 Whitecourse Drive Entrance into Red Lot A and 2 parking spots in Southeast corner of Red Lot A
Clayco will be soft digging for underground utilities in several locations. Lane closures will be in place from time to time on Whitecourse Drive.
Two parking spots in the Southeast corner of Red Lot A will be closed.
Modify Road Closing 03/02/2019 03/09/2019 Burrowes Road starting at the Alley between Reber and Hammon, ending at Steam Alley
New water line installation for Steam Services Office Building
Modify 4 parking spaces 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 east side of whitmore
east side of whitmore we have a crane pick, side walk will be closed along with a total of 4 parking spaces.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/18/2019 03/09/2019 Sidewalk west side of Burroughs between WCSP E. Gate to Steam Alley
Modify parking spaces 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 parking spaces
parking lot north of Ferguson bldg.South of Pavilion theatre. All spots other then handy cap will be closed for a crane pick
Modify parking spaces 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 parking spaces
North of Ferguson, South of Pavilion Theatre. All parking spots (6) other then Handy cap will not be avalable due to removal of the Theatre chiller. There will be a crane set up
Modify Road Closing 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 Curtin Road
Curtin Road between Allen Road and Burrowes Road will be closed.
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 Southern most Lane of Pollock Road heading East out of Pollock Rd Gates.
Maintenance will be occurring on the Gate arm closest to McAllister Bldg. Lane will be closed in order to service.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/19/2018 11/22/2018 Stadium West Entrance off Park Ave
Replacing sidewalk on the west side of entrance
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/02/2018 11/02/2018 Parking Lot Brown A
The East lane and East parking spots of the Brown A parking lot at EE West will be closed for a crane lift.
Detour signage will be placed to direct traffic through the parking lot.
Modify Tree Maintenance 10/24/2018 10/24/2018 Pugh St/Henderson Mall
The Mall will be closed from the College Ave end up to approximately BBH Bldg for crane removal of Ash trees on Old Main lawn
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/17/2018 10/31/2018 West entrance of Lasch Parking Lot will be closed
Will be replacing a Storm sewer line running between Greenberg and Lasch Bldgs. The Sidewalk running North from Hastings, between Greenberg and Lasch will be closed. The West entrance to the Lasch Parking lot,off of Hastings will be closed.
Parking will not be affected. Only the West entrance.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/17/2018 10/25/2018 Sidewalk closing South of Biobehavioral Health towards Nursing Sciences.
A portion of the sidewalk South of Biobehavioral Health that heads East towards Nursing Sciences will be closed to allow for digging to repair a steam leak. ADA access will still be maintained and entrances to the buildings will be open.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/01/2018 10/12/2018 Sidewalk along the access road next to Runkle Hall.
The sidewalk along North side of the access road running between Runkle Hall and Ag. Engineering will be closed due to a utility dig job to replace a steam condensate line.
Modify Tree Maintenance 09/27/2018 09/28/2018 Spearly's Walk between Hintz and EE East
Tree removal on the south side of EE East will require closing the sidewalk from 6am to 4pm
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/26/2018 09/26/2018 Access Road to Green D Parking Lot
The access road to the Green D Parking Lot near Ag Engineering will be reduced to 1 lane.
Flaggers will be directing traffic during this time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/13/2018 09/13/2018 Sidewalk south side of beam hall
Sidewalk partially blocked.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/10/2018 09/14/2018 White Building
South east corner of White Building they will have a lift in the area making repairs to the chimney.
Modify Tunnel Grate Opened 09/04/2018 09/04/2018 N/A
There is a tunnel grate opened in front of Tyson, it is barricaded and coned
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/28/2018 08/28/2018 Curtin Road - sidewalk (Across from BJC)
SP McCarl is doing work in a manhole on Curtin Road. They have the area barricaded and coned. Partial sidewalk access.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/27/2018 09/21/2018 Sidewalk on the Eastside of Willard Building at front entrance.
A small pop-up tent, surrounded by construction fencing, will be placed on the sidewalk on the East side of Willard Building. It will be located over an access door to Steam Tunnel S, that is in the sidewalk. There will be access to the entrance doors on the East side and signs directing pedestrians around the fencing will be placed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/27/2018 10/05/2018 Sidewalk West side of Hallowell Building
The sidewalk on the West side of Hallowell Building will be closed. Access will be maintained on the East entrance of the building. ADA access will be available at the East entrance.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/27/2018 09/07/2018 East Entrance @ Computer Bldg
Concrete repair work to be done. The entrance will still be accessible during work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/22/2018 08/22/2018 Borland sidewalk along Curtin Rd
The sidewalk along Curtin Rd at Borland lab will be closed from 7am to 4pm for the crane removal of an Elm tree.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/20/2018 08/31/2018 East Entrance @ Applied Science
Masonry cleaning and repairs. Entrance will still be functional
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/13/2018 08/31/2018 Park Avenue
Entrance into Arboretum off Park Avenue sidewalk and derivable entrance repairs
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/02/2018 08/16/2018 South of EE West Bldg
From the mall to Hintz sections of sidewalk will be being repaired and or replaced
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/31/2018 08/01/2018 Curtin Road Near East Halls
Curtin Road near East Halls will be reduced to one lane for curb construction. Signage will be posted and flaggers will be stationed to control traffic during the work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/30/2018 07/30/2018 Sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls
The sidewalk along the north side of Curtin Road near Pennypacker Hall will be closed to allow a sidewalk repair from recent gas utility work.
Modify Partial Closure Parking Lot Brown-C 07/28/2018 07/28/2018 Parking Lot Brown-C (Behind Osmond Building)
Both the entrance and exit driveways will remain open as well as the first drive aisle and the first row of parking spaces perpendicular to Osmond Building.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/27/2018 07/30/2018 Sidewalk on West side of Millennium Science Complex.
Sidewalk is being replaced where a new natural gas line was installed. Concrete will be poured on 07/27 weather permitting. Pads are being installed to allow for ADA access.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/26/2018 08/02/2018 Sidewalk on the West Side of Bigler Road
The sidewalk on the west side of Bigler Road between the East Parking Deck and Forest Resources Building will be closed to allow water utility work to be completed. Sidewalk closure and detour signage will be installed to assist pedestrians during this closure.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/24/2018 07/27/2018 Millennium sidewalk leading to West entrance.
A section of sidewalk will be removed to run a new natural gas piping near the bollards at the West entrance. The sidewalk will be closed to pedestrian traffic when the digging crosses the sidewalk. ADA access will be maintained with temporary landscape pads.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/23/2018 07/27/2018 Applied Science Entrance
The west entrance will be closed due to renovations to exterior patio
Modify Road Closing 07/19/2018 07/23/2018 Curtin Road
Curtin Road between Allen Road and Burrowes Road will be closed.
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/19/2018 07/19/2018 Curtin Road
Curtin Road between Allen Road and Burrowes Road will be reduced to a single lane.
Signage and Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic during this time
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/17/2018 07/18/2018 Burrowes Rd, Pugh and Allen St Malls
Elm trees along Pugh and Allen St Malls, Burrowes Rd, Borland, Ferguson, EE East, Ritenour, and College Ave will be treated from the ground (Tuesday pm) and from the air (Wednesday am)
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/16/2018 07/17/2018 N/A
Allen St and Pugh St Malls, Burrowes Rd, EE East, Borland, and Old Main
Ground operations will start Monday night at 9pm and conclude around 3am. Aerial operations will start at first light on Tuesday and be complete by 7:30am
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/16/2018 08/03/2018 N/A
Nursing Sciences Building East side. Sidewall between lower Hub Lawn and College Avenue. Please follow direction arrows.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/12/2018 07/12/2018 Sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls
The sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road will be closed to allow for gas utility work. Pedestrian detours will be set up at the nearest crosswalks in order to maintain safe walking conditions.
Modify Road Closing 07/09/2018 07/13/2018 Research Bldg West, South East Corner, loading dock area
Modify Access Driveway Closing 07/06/2018 07/09/2018 Access Driveway on the West side of IM Building
The access driveway that connects the parking area on the western side of IM Building to the parking area near Snyder Hall and Beard Field will be closed to through traffic. The parking areas on either side will not be affected and can be accessed from the adjacent roads (Park Avenue or Curtin Road). The dumpster and trash compaction area will not be reachable by truck.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/06/2018 07/09/2018 Sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls
The sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls will be closed to allow paving crews to prepare and pave the entrance to the parking lot on the west side of Pennypacker Hall. Sidewalk closure signs will be set up at the nearest crosswalk locations to direct pedestrian traffic to the south side of Curtin Road for the duration of the work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/03/2018 07/31/2018 Sidewalk between Eisenhower Chapel and Curtin Road Will be closed
If you are walking East West in this area , Please cross to the South side of the street Between Palmer Museum and Allen Road .
sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/03/2018 07/31/2018 Sidewalk between Eisenhower Chapel and Curtin Road Will be closed
If you are walking East West in this area , Please cross to the South side of the street Between Palmer Museum and Allen Road .
sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/03/2018 07/31/2018 Sidewalk between Eisenhower Chapel and Curtin Road Will be closed
Please use the South side of Curtin Road Between Palmer Museum and Allen Road.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/28/2018 06/29/2018 Sidewalk along College Ave from Pugh to Allen
landscape will be blowing mulch from a truck parked on College Ave
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/27/2018 07/09/2018 Grange building west access ramp and door
need to close the access ramp on the west side of the building facing the hub. to repair a condensate leak in the floor right inside the entrance to grange building
there is another ada access on the south side of the grange building that can be used while this access is closed
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/20/2018 06/22/2018 Sidwalk between CBEB (Fenske) and Althouse Labs
The sidewalk will be closed in order to remove the covered sidewalk structure from the CBEB project.
- There will be a temporary sidewalk with alterna mats while the sidewalk is closed. - Access to the east entrance to Althouse will not be effected.
Modify Road Closing 06/04/2018 06/15/2018 Curtin Road
Curtin Road will closed for sidewalk repair, curbing and asphalt patching. The road will be closed from the intersection of Curtin and Bigler Roads to the IM Building. Access to the Shields and Wagner Building parking lots will be available from University Drive. Detour signage will be posted and maintained throughout the duration of the road closing.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/28/2018 05/29/2018 side walk closing
Side walk between Hammond building and Sackett building under roof area will be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/28/2018 08/16/2018 N/A
At Chambers building, sidewalks on the west side of the south building will be closed while construction of a new penthouse and roof are being completed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/21/2018 06/29/2018 Main Entrance @ Ferguson
Renovations to entrance steps
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/18/2018 05/21/2018 N/A
Elm Management Zone - College Ave, Burrowes Rd, Pugh and Allen St Malls, Borland, Ferguson, Ritenour (W and SE), Walker
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/16/2018 05/16/2018 Sidewalk between Chandlee Lab and Davey Lab
The sidewalk between Chandlee Lab and Davey Lab will have only limited access today between 9am and 3pm, due to digging to prepare a water line.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/16/2018 05/17/2018 N/A
Ground-based Spray Operations in the vicinity of Pugh Street Mall, Allen Street Mall, Borland-south, Ritenour-west, Old Main-south, College Ave (Pugh to Atherton, and Burrowes Rd
Modify Road Closing 05/09/2018 05/09/2018 Life Sciences/Chemistry Turn a round along Shortlidge Rd
Shutdown of turn around for an event to participate in an OSHA Event on campus. 2 Temp closures of Science Drive between Shortlidge and the parking lot behind Eisenhower Aud.
Access to Life Sciences/Chemistry and Eisenhower Auditorium will be be available for deliveries. Access to the CBEB project will also be maintained.
Modify Parking Lot 05/08/2018 08/08/2018 Yellow T
Parking Lot Yellow T, South of Redifer Commons, will be closing for the Summer due to construction activities. ADA parking will be maintained during this time. The one-way entrance and exit off of College Ave. will be removed during this period as well.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/07/2018 06/15/2018 White Building West Entrance - Leading from HUB Lawn
The sidewalk leading to the main Entrance at the West Side of White Building will be closed for construction
Signage will be placed to direct pedestrians to the East Entrance. Emergency Egress will be maintained at all locations from the building.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/07/2018 06/29/2018 East Area Lockers
Sidewalk repair/replacement on the east and south side of building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/07/2018 05/30/2018 Sidewalk between Theater Building and the Recital Hall construction site
will be closed due to sidewalk replacement
please avoid this area if possible
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/26/2018 04/26/2018 Northeast Bigler and Park Ave.
Barricaded and Manned.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/25/2018 04/25/2018 north & south sidewalks on Park Avenue blocked. Just east of Bigler Road
north & south sidewalks on Park Avenue blocked. Just east of Bigler Road
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/23/2018 04/23/2018 Southeast corner sidewalk of Bigler Road & Park Avenue intersection blocked off
Southeast corner sidewalk of Bigler Road & Park Avenue intersection blocked off It is manned & barricaded
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/23/2018 04/27/2018 ADA Ramps near Rec Hall & McKee Hall
ADA ramp upgrades
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/18/2018 04/27/2018 College Heights School
Sidewalk replacement along Hillcrest Av
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/16/2018 04/16/2018 NorthEast corner of Park Ave and Bigler Ave
Sidewalk blocked
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 04/10/2018 04/27/2018 Test Track ADA
Repairs at ADA ramp and parking area
Modify entrance road to Tener Hall (WEST) 04/09/2018 04/13/2018 entrance to west side Tener Hall (asphalt) and sidewalk along E Park Ave
construction work to start 4/9/18 at west side of Tener Hall. Short periods access rd to tener hall west will have limited access due to excavation. Sidewalk near intersection will be closed at some period of time between 4/10/18 and 4/11/18 to set electrical vault.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/29/2018 03/30/2018 Driveway between MRL and Research Unit C
Driveway will be intermittently closed both days. Detour into parking lot will be available and directed by signage.
Thank you for your patience while this work is completed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/28/2018 04/05/2018 East & West Building Entrance
Concrete repairs to each entrance
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/26/2018 04/30/2018 Nittany Lion Inn
Sidewalk repairs/replacements at main entrance and walks lead up to entrance. Traffic patterns will be altered but will allow for access to main entrance.
Modify Parking spaces 03/26/2018 05/11/2018 6 Spaces in Brown A By the South Entrance to Willard .
6 Spaces and a portion of sidewalk will be closed On the South (Brown A ) side of Old Willard. The rear entrance to the Ground floor will be closed .
The 2 stair entrances on the South side of Willard will remain open for use
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/22/2018 03/22/2018 Service Parking Lot at Carpenter and the Sidewalk Between Biomechanics and Carpenter Building
The Service Parking Lot at the Carpenter Building will be closed for a crane lift. The sidewalk between Biomechanics Teaching Lab and Carpenter will also be closed.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/15/2018 03/16/2018 East Entrance of Engineering Units
Repair work will be done on the small roof over the entrance
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/06/2018 03/06/2018 side walk closing
side walk between ASI and East Parking deck will be closed for short period to back a crane and unit into north chiller. Then small section of sidewalk will be closed to set unit.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/05/2018 03/05/2018 Sidewalk along Reber Bldg
Sidewalk along Reber bldg
Modify Road Closing 03/04/2018 03/05/2018 Burrowes Rd between Hintz access and PowerPlant access
We will be pruning Elms over the road from 7:30am to 4pm
Modify Road Closing 03/03/2018 03/09/2018 Curtin Road
Curtin Road will be closed in front of the East Halls Construction site to allow for new utilities to be installed. A detour will be set up at Bigler Road and University Drive directing traffic around the closure via Park Avenue. Shields, Wagner and the IM Buildings will still be accessible during the closure but access will be from University Drive only.
Modify Road Closing 02/27/2018 02/27/2018 Small access road between Blue Band Building and Procurement Services Building
Due to water-main break, the small access road between Blue Band Building and Procurement Services Building will be unavailable for the duration of this shutdown.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/26/2018 02/26/2018 South Side of McCoy at Parking area
Contractor will have a man lift working on loading dock area
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/26/2018 03/09/2018 Engineering Units
Entrance(s) canopy and step repairs
Modify Road Closing 02/19/2018 02/19/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB
The section of Shortlidge Road from the south side of Eisenhower Road to the Life Science / Chemistry cul-de-sac will be closed due to a construction delivery.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/19/2018 02/23/2018 Sidewalk along College Ave between Pugh St and Fraser St
Tree Pruning will require closing the sidewalk along College Ave between Pugh St and Fraser St during the day from 7am to 3pm
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/19/2018 02/23/2018 East entrance of Davey Lab
Concrete repairs to be made to steps at entrance. The entrance will be closed but available for emergency access
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/13/2018 02/16/2018 Sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls
The sidewalk adjacent to the East Halls Construction Site on the northern side of Curtin Road will be closed to allow construction crews to complete excavation within in the sidewalk area for installation of new chilled water lines. The sidewalk will be shutdown between Curtin Hall and the Intramural Building. All pedestrians are asked to use nearby crosswalks when crossing the road for safety. The bus stop in front of Curtin Hall will remain open. Signage will be posted.
Modify Road Closing 02/13/2018 02/13/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB
Shortlidge Road between the south side of Eisenhower Road and the Life Science / Chemistry cul-de-sac will be closed in order to make a delivery as part of the CBEB project.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/12/2018 02/12/2018 sidewalk/access road
south sidewalk/roadway of telecommunications bldg
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/09/2018 02/09/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
We are tentatively planning on pouring concrete in the morning, in which, we are going to set up our concrete trucks at the southeast corner of the site. During this time, we may block access to the Life Science / Chemistry cul-de-sac and / or the Chemistry alley periodically.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/05/2018 02/06/2018 N/A
sidewalk closure West side of Atherton Hall.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/05/2018 02/06/2018 sidewalk
West of nittany parking deck.
alt. route will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/01/2018 02/01/2018 Sidewalk on the north side of Curtin Road by East Halls
The sidewalk adjacent to the East Halls Construction Site on the northern side of Curtin Road will be closed to allow construction crews to complete exploratory excavation within in the sidewalk area. The sidewalk will be shutdown between Curtin Hall and the Intramural Building. All pedestrians are asked to use nearby crosswalks when crossing the road for safety. The bus stop in front of Curtin Hall will remain open.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/23/2018 01/26/2018 Parking Lot behind McCoy Bldg
Replacing concrete pad at material loading area
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/22/2018 01/26/2018 Chandlee Lab
Replacing broken sidewalk on north side along road
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/22/2018 01/26/2018 Oswald Tower Bldg
Replacing broken sidewalk on south side near parking lot
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/19/2018 01/19/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane at the southeast side of the site due to a delivery for the CBEB project.
This may affect the Life Sciences and Chemistry cul-de-sac area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/17/2018 01/17/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane at the southeast side of the site due to a delivery for the CBEB project.
This may affect the Life Sciences and Chemistry cul-de-sac area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/12/2018 01/12/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane at times due to construction work going on at the CBEB project site.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/03/2018 01/05/2018 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane due to a construction delivery. Note: There will be times during the delivery that the road will be closed to complete work.
- This work may affect the Chemistry / CBEB alley. - The Life Sciences / Chemistry cul-de-sac will be affected with this work.
Modify Road Closing 12/26/2017 12/29/2017 Curtin and Allen
Curtin Road and Allen Road by the Paterno/Pattee Library. Short term parking will not be available in front of the Library.
Closure is required for crane set up and equipment removal from the Paterno(East) wing of the building. The Paterno loading dock and loading dock entrance will not be accessible. The parking office will be sending out additional notices. Pedestrian access to the North entrance of the Library will be maintained.
Modify Road Closing 12/18/2017 12/20/2017 Hastings Rd
Hastings Rd will be closed from 7am to 3:30pm on 12/19/2017 and from 7am to Noon on 12/20/2017 for tree work above the road and at the traffic light. Access to Lasch bldg. will be maintained from the west
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/15/2017 12/15/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
The road will be reduced to one lane due to a concrete pour on the CBEB site.
- This will affect the Life Sciences / Chemistry turn-a-round.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/12/2017 12/15/2017 ADA Ramp @ Lion Shrine
Upgrading ADA at Lion Shrine parking
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/07/2017 12/07/2017 Shortlidge Road between Tyson Building and Eisenhower Auditorium
Road will be reduced to one lane due to a construction delivery at the CBEB project
flagger will be in place during this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/06/2017 12/08/2017 Steam Alley
New connection to MH 806 will be installed. Access to Walker Building, ARL Building, West Campus Simplex, and Beta Theta Pi Parking, will be maintained. Traffic Controls will be in place during construction work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/04/2017 12/08/2017 Borland Bldg
Install concrete bike pad on east side of building
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 Sidewalk between CBEB Construction Site and Buckhout Lab
The sidewalk will be reduced in order to perform work at the CBEB construction site. Access will still be granted during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/29/2017 12/01/2017 Parking Lot below Beaver Hall
Replacing section of sidewalk and installing a new bike pad
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/28/2017 11/30/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
A section of Shortlidge Road (starting at the south side of Eisenhower Road and going to the Life Science/Chemistry turn-a-round) will be closed during this time in order to make a construction delivery.
- Flaggers will be in place during this road closure. - Barricades will be used to block vehicular traffic on Shortlidge. - Pedestrian traffic will be allowed on the sidewalk during this time.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/17/2017 11/17/2017 Shortlidge Road Near Life Sciences and Chemistry
The area of Shortlidge Road near the CBEB construction gate at the Chemistry / Life Sciences turn-a-round will be reduced to one lane during a concrete pour.
- Flaggers will be in place during this work. - Pedestrian traffic on sidewalk will not be affected during this time.
Modify Road Closing 11/15/2017 11/16/2017 Shortlidge Rd from Park Ave to Business Bldg Entrance Drive
We will be closing Shortlidge Rd from 7:30am to 3pm on 11/16 for tree work above the road
Modify One Way Traffic Only 11/13/2017 11/17/2017 OPP electric storage bldg
Removing asphalt 12 feet out in front of the building to install a trench drain and re-asphalt
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/13/2017 11/13/2017 Shortlidge Road Near Life Sciences and Chemistry
The area of Shortlidge Road near the CBEB construction gate at the Chemistry / Life Sciences turn-a-round will be reduced to one lane during a concrete pour.
- flaggers will be in place during this time. - pedestrian traffic on sidewalk will not be affected during this time.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/10/2017 11/10/2017 Shortlidge Road Near Life Sciences and Chemistry
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane due to a construction concrete pour at the CBEB project.
- Flaggers will be in place during this time to direct traffic.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/02/2017 11/02/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB (existing Fenske Lab)
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane in order to make a steam tunnel cap delivery for the CBEB project.
- flaggers will be in place during this time.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/31/2017 10/31/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Life Sciences
A section of Shortlidge Road (starting at the south side of Eisenhower Road and going to the Life Sciences/Chemistry turn-a-round) will be closed during this time in order to make a delivery as part of the CBEB Project.
- Flaggers will be in place during this road closure. - Barricades will be used to block vehicular traffic on Shortlidge. - Pedestrian traffic will be allowed on the sidewalk during this time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/31/2017 10/31/2018 Sidewalk Closure along Burroughs from College Ave to Steam Alley.
Contractor Closing sidewalk for construction safety zone. West side of Burroughs from College Avenue to Steam Alley and continuing to Northwest entrance to Steam Plant.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/30/2017 11/03/2017 Oswald Tower
Work will be done from scaffolding to install netting to prevent loose brick from falling
Modify Parking Spaces Closed 10/30/2017 11/01/2017 Parking Lot at Nittany Apartment 60.
Five parking spaces at the South end of the parking lot next to Nittany Apartment 60, will be closed due to excavation work. Access to the parking lot will be at the opposite end towards Greenberg indoor Sports. Excavation work will be at the corner of Bigler road and Hastings Road.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/28/2017 11/01/2017 Eisenhower Auditorium
Between parking garage and Eisenhower 3 ADA ramp upgrades will take place
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/28/2017 11/03/2017 Sidewalk between Brown A at Deike and EE West
The sidewalk on the east side (EE West side) of the Brown A parking lot behind Deike Building will be closed in order to replace sections of concrete sidewalk. The parking spaces along the sidewalk will remain open. Signage will be in place to re-route pedestrians.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/25/2017 11/10/2017 Davey Lab
South Side contractor will be working from scaffolding repairing window sills
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/19/2017 10/26/2017 West Entrance Davey Lab
Masonry repairs they will be re-pointing the steps and landing. They will try to keep half of the entrance open during work for access to the building.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/19/2017 10/19/2017 Shortlidge Road Near Huck and Chemistry
Shortlidge Road, near the turnaround at Huck and Chemistry, will be reduced to one lane at times due to a concrete pour at the CBEB site.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/18/2017 10/18/2017 Curtion Road
East Bound Lane Closure of Curtin Road in front of Wagner Building.
The east bound lane of Curtin Road in front of Wagner Building will be closed to allow water utility work to be completed. This will restrict this portion of Curtin Road to one lane. Flaggers will be present to assist in traffic control. Traffic, aided by the flaggers, will flow in both directions throughout the work period. Please use caution and expect delays.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/17/2017 10/17/2017 Lion Shrine
The sidewalks around the Lion Shrine will be closed for a Tree Removal from 7am to Noon.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/16/2017 10/18/2017 Heavy Truck Traffic Along North Side of Shortlidge Road
There may be times that there will be heavy truck traffic along Shortlidge Road to the CBEB site due to the CBEB site tower crane being demobilized.
This alert is to notify others of the increased traffic during this time. Roads will not be closed during this time.
Modify Road Closing 10/16/2017 10/18/2017 Access Road Between Chemistry and CBEB Site & Chemistry Loading Dock
The access road and Chemistry loading dock will be closed in order to remove the tower crane from the CBEB site.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/09/2017 10/12/2017 A section of sidewalk along Curtin Road at the Stadium West bus shelter
A section of sidewalk along Curtin Road at the Stadium West bus shelter will be closed for construction through Thursday, October 12. Signage on site will direct pedestrians to the detour route. If there are any questions, please contact the Office of Physical Plant by phone at 863-2340.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/09/2017 02/28/2018 Sidewalk At Exterior East Stairs of Old Main
The exterior stairs and connecting sidewalk at the East Side of Old Main will be closed for construction.
Detour Signage will be in place to direct pedestrians.
Modify Road Closing 10/09/2017 10/09/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Huck
The road will be closed for a construction delivery at the CBEB site.
- Flaggers will be in place directing traffic. - This will affect the Huck and Chemistry Buildings turn-a-round. - Pedestrian traffic will still be allowed during this road closure. - The Chemistry loading dock will not be able to accept deliveries during this time.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/04/2017 10/11/2017 sidewalk area 1
North and South sidewalks between Panofsky Hall and Nelson Hall. North Sidewalk is where work will take place South Sidewalk will be used for equipment traveling in/out
Modify Road Closing 09/28/2017 09/28/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry / Huck
The road will be closed for a construction delivery at the CBEB site.
- Flaggers will be in place directing traffic - This will affect the Huck and Chemistry Buildings turn a round. - Pedestrian traffic will still be allowed during this road closure. - The Chemistry loading dock will not be able to accept deliveries during this time.
Modify Road Closing 09/28/2017 10/20/2017 Chemistry Building Loading Dock
The loading dock will be closed in order to install new site utilities for the CBEB project.
Modify Road Closing 09/26/2017 09/26/2017 Schreyer Lane
Schreyer Lane will be closed from 6:30am to 3pm for a removal of a tree.
Modify Road Closing 09/26/2017 09/26/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Chemistry
The road will be closed for a construction delivery at the CBEB site.
Flaggers will be in place directing traffic. This will affect the Huck and Chemistry Buildings turn a round. Pedestrian traffic will still be allowed during this road closure. The Chemistry loading dock will not be able to accept deliveries during this time.
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2017 09/22/2017 Schreyer lane
Lane will be closed to allow for tree removals along the Lane.
Modify Building entrance 09/22/2017 09/23/2017 Willard Building
Willard Building, Foyer 101, will be out of service due to asbestos removal during the dates/times listed above. For questions, please contact Chet Fletcher 814-577-2656.
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2017 09/22/2017 Big Hollow Road
This closure will be signed as needed with crews present.
Thompson Farm Sub and well 24 access point will be from Fox Hollow Rd. All others off Big Hollow Rd will be from Park Avenue.
Modify Road Closing 09/21/2017 09/21/2017 Schreyer Lane
Lane will be closed for the day to allow crane removal of trees along the Lane
Modify Road Closing 09/19/2017 09/19/2017 Big Hollow Road
This closure will be signed as needed with crews present.
Thompson Farm Sub and well 24 access point will be from Fox Hollow Rd. All others off Big Hollow Rd will be from Park Avenue.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/19/2017 09/29/2017 Sidewalk on Curtin Road at Stadium West Parking Lot Bus Shelter
A section of sidewalk along Curtin Road at Stadium West Parking Lot Bus Shelter will be closed with fencing due to sidewalk construction near the shelter. Work to be complete by Sept. 29. See signage at the site for detour.
Construction work by L.S. Fiore.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/19/2017 09/19/2017 Sidewalk between CBEB Jobsite and Construction Trailer
The sidewalk will be closed due to construction work inside the tunnel.
A sidewalk detour will be in affect during this work. The detour will route pedestrian traffic to the south of the CBEB job site.
Modify 2 handicapped parking spaces 09/18/2017 09/22/2017 Two handicapped parking spaces behind Ritenour
Due to work by Steam Distribution, the two handicapped parking spaces behind Ritenour will be temporarily closed. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Modify Six Parking Spaces - Ford Building 09/11/2017 09/13/2017 Ford Building
Due to work by Steam Distribution, six parking spaces in Ford Building to the left of the first access road into lot. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/07/2017 10/20/2017 Sidewalk at the Corner of Carnegie and the Mall
Sidewalk at the corner of the Carnegie building and the Mall adjacent to Pollock Road will be closed.
Modify Road Closing 09/06/2017 09/06/2017 Service Road, end of McKean Road
Service Road, end of McKean Road, between East Area Locker and Lash Building. Road will be closed from 7am to 3:30pm. Sidewalks will be open.
Modify Road Closing 09/05/2017 11/24/2017 Service Parking Spot Between EE West and EE East
One of the service parking spaces will be unavailable due to a construction renovation in EE West.
Anyone with a service parking permit will be able to park in a regular Brown A parking space.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/05/2017 09/15/2017 Central Milk Testing Lab
Existing sidewalks to be removed and new walks to be installed in all locations except for main entrance
Modify Parking Lot 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 parking lot west of IM Building
parking lot west of the IM Building between IM and the tennis courts will be close for a crane lift to remove debris from the roof of the IM Building
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/23/2017 08/23/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB (existing Fenske Lab)
Shortlidge Road (between Tyson Building and Eisenhower Auditorium) will be reduced down to one lane in order to receive material for the CBEB project.
- Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic and pedestrians during this time. - Access will still be given to Eisenhower Auditorium, Chemistry, and Life Sciences.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/22/2017 08/22/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and CBEB (existing Fenske Lab)
Shortlidge Road (between Tyson Building and Eisenhower Auditorium) will be reduced down to one lane in order to receive material for the CBEB project.
- Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic and pedestrians during this time. - Access will still be given to Eisenhower Auditorium, Chemistry, and Life Sciences.
Modify Parking Lot 08/21/2017 08/21/2017 parking lot west of IM Building
Small parking lot west of the IM Building between IM Building and the tennis courts will be closed for a crane lift. Flagman will be in place during the lift to keep vehicles from entering the lot.
The material being lifted is roofing material for some patch work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/09/2017 08/11/2017 Biobehavioral Health Building facing Old Main lawn - partial sidewalk closed
Partial sidewalk in front of Biobehavioral Health Building facing old main, there is a circular sidewalk, only the northern half is closed for Steam Distribution to work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/09/2017 08/25/2017 Henderson Mall Area
Steam line repair into Henderson and sidewalk repairs
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/09/2017 08/11/2017 Henderson Building facing Old Main - Partial sidewalk closure
Circular sidewalk, so part of the sidewalk is accessible, the southern half. Sidewalk faces Old Main lawn.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/08/2017 08/18/2017 Sidewalk Between Forum and Music Building
will be closed for sanitary pipe replacement .
Please use sidewalk between Palmer Museum and Forum
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/07/2017 08/31/2017 James Elliott Bldg
Main entrance along Burrows road the concrete sidewalk will be replaced
Modify Milling Roads 07/30/2017 08/01/2017 See below
Curtin Road from University drive to Porter road, Commuter Drive and Dauer Road from University drive to Porter road , Will be paving the roads Starting Sunday July 30 to August 1. Work to be done on night shift. All roads will be passable with flaggers present. All access to all areas will be open. Glen O Hawbaker will be doing the work. Any questions Contact Steve Newburg 814-826-8443.
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/26/2017 07/26/2017 Burrowes Road, North of Pollock Rd
Installing a Gas Line. Columbia Flaggers onsite. For questions, please call Andrew Gutberlet 814-357-5455
Modify Tree Maintenance 07/25/2017 07/26/2017 Pugh Street Mall
Pugh Street Mall will be closed due to a tree removal at Henderson Bldg
Modify Milling Roads 07/24/2017 07/26/2017 See below
Curtin Road from University drive to Porter road, Commuter Drive and Dauer Road from University drive to Porter road , Will be milling the roads Starting Monday July 24 to July 26th. Work to be done on night shift. All roads will be passable with flaggers present. All access to all areas will be open. Glen O Hawbaker will be doing the work. Any questions Contact Steve Newburg 814-826-8443
Modify Elevator Offline 07/20/2017 08/18/2017 HUB Parking Deck
The HUB Parking Deck elevator will be offline for cylinder replacement from 7/20 through 8/17. During this period, the elevator will not be available for use from any level.
The stairs in the deck will be available as normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this maintenance work.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/18/2017 07/20/2017 N/A
The Elm Tree Spray Program will be operating Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/17/2017 07/28/2017 Sidewalk near IM Building
Section of sidewalk on the west side of University Dr. near the Curtain Rd/University Dr. intersection will be closed from 7/17/17-7/28/17 to allow removal of the access ramp and the asphalt pad at the construction site of the IM Building. New walk and curb will be installed immediately after demo work. This work will not affect the drive lanes on University Dr.
Modify Parking Spaces 07/14/2017 07/21/2017 North Barnard Street
Parking spaces around Research West will be closed starting Friday morning, July 14th in preparation for a crane pick scheduled for Saturday, July 15th. North Barnard Street along the West, North and East side of Research West will be closed Saturday July 15th, including the parking spaces noted. On Monday, July 17, the parking spaces on the West and East side of Research West will re-open and the North parking lot will remain closed until July 21.
Parking and road closure is required to remove miscellaneous HVAC equipment from the roof of Research West. ADA spaces and access to the East side of ASB will be maintained.
Modify Road Closing 07/07/2017 07/08/2017 Shortlidge Rd at Curtin Rd
Shortlidge Rd will be closed between Curtin Rd and the Borland Access Drive for a Tree Removal
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/05/2017 07/05/2017 Burrows Road
Burrows Road will be reduced to a single lane periodically during the day between Steam Ave and College Ave. Flaggers will be present to assist with traffic flow.
Lane closures are required to offload equipment for the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Parking Spaces for Renovation Work 06/28/2017 09/01/2017 N/A
Three parking spaces along Schwab Auditorium will be blocked for construction lay down area during this time frame. These spaces are being used for construction within Old Main.
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/28/2017 06/28/2017 Burrows Road
A section of Burrows Road between Steam Ave and College Ave will be reduced to a single lane. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic.
Lane closure required for removal of equipment from the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Crane Lift 06/27/2017 06/27/2017 Vet Research Ctr and several parking spaces in Red Commuter Lot
On JUNE 27, 2017, 8:30AM TO 9:30AM we will be doing a crane lift over VET RESEARCH CTR, ANIMAL MAINTENANCE CTR to install a new compressor on the air conditioning system. While this work is being done THE ENTIRE BUILDING WILL NEED TO BE EVACUATED AND ACCESS TO BUILDING AND SEVERAL PARKING SPACES IN THE RED COMMUTER LOT WILL BE CLOSED. During this time please use caution in and around the area.
Modify Reduced Lanes 06/22/2017 06/22/2017 Burrows Rd.
Burrows Road, near the West Campus Steam Plant, will be reduced to a single lane for a short period of time. The closure will occur sometime between 1PM and 5PM.
Closure is required to offload equipment required for the West Campus Steam Plant stack demolition. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic.
Modify Road Closing 06/16/2017 06/16/2017 Lane between Hammond and Reber
A tractor trailer will be parked in the lane between Hammond and Reber on Friday, June 16 for a duration of approximately 3 hours from 9am to noon for furniture delivery to Reber.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/16/2017 06/19/2017 NORTH SIDE OF CURTAIN ROAD AT AG ADMIN BUILDING - SIDEWALK CLOSED
Due to emergency repair to steam line, sidewalk on north side of Curtain Road at Ag Admin Building will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Modify Parking Space Closure 06/15/2017 06/16/2017 Parking in the lot Below Redifer Hall
6 parking spaces behind Redifer Hall, next to the Utility transformer.
Modify Parking Space Closure 06/14/2017 06/15/2017 Parking Area between Waring, and Hamilton Hall
Area just outside the side door of Hamilton Hall and along the Sidewalk toward Burrowes Rd.. Just below the loading dock for Waring.
Modify Temp. Sidewalk 06/12/2017 06/12/2017 Temporary Sidewalk (East Stuckeman)
The temporary asphalt side walk created for the new Robinson Residence Hall along the East side of Stuckeman will be closed starting June 12, 2017.
The sidewalk will be removed in preparation for landscaping and final side walk configuration installation. Please use the sidewalk between Stuckeman and the water tower until the final configuration is in place.
Modify Parking Spaces 06/08/2017 06/30/2017 Red A Lot (North side Research West)
The parking spaces along the North Side of Research West (Red A) will be closed to allow for material/equipment laydown. This also includes the Service parking stalls as well.
Area required for ongoing HVAC renovation work at Research West.
Modify Road Closing 05/23/2017 05/25/2017 Burrows Rd (one lane)
One lane of Burrows Road will be closed sporadically between 5/23 and 5/25. Flagging personnel will be present to assist with traffic flow.
Partial closures are required to remove equipment from the West Campus Steam Plant site.
Modify Parking Space Closure 05/17/2017 05/18/2017 Parking Spaces in Front of Atherton Hall
Spaces in the front driveway area. 1. Small area across from the Handicap spots just in front of Atherton Hall, on the right side of the drive. 2. Larger parking area just past the front door on the LH side of the drive.
Will need cones and barricades
Modify Side Walk Closure 05/16/2017 05/17/2017 Side Walk between Simmons and McElwain
Area is between Simmons Hall and McElwain Hall. Side walk area starting at Shortlidge Rd. down approx. 100' toward Mifflin Rd.
Will Need to use a few cones and Safety tape
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 05/15/2017 05/16/2017 N/A
Elm tree spraying to take place [5/15/17 – 5/16/17] UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Please be aware that elm tree spraying will be conducted from the ground at 9 p.m. on Monday, May 15, and continue until 6:00 a .m. Tuesday, May 16, weather permitting. Spraying will also be conducted by helicopter from 5:00 a.m. to 7 a.m. on May 16. The Office of Physical Plant conducts spraying each summer in an effort to slow the spread of both Dutch elm disease and Elm yellows, and to protect the remaining iconic elms on the University Park campus. OPP thanks the campus community for understanding the need and cooperating with this important program aimed at preserving the campus’ elm trees. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Bedsworth in Penn State’s Office of Physical Plant at or 814-863-9620.
Modify Road Closing 05/11/2017 05/12/2017 Burrows Road
Burrows Road from College Ave to Steam Ave. will be closed for short duration's sporadically Thursday and Friday. Flagger's will be in place to direct traffic.
Short duration closures are needed to facilitate demolition of the bag house at the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Road Closing 05/08/2017 06/12/2017 McKean Road
McKean Road at Greenberg Building
Roadway will be closed while crews repair Steam Manhole 241
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/08/2017 07/31/2017 Sidewalk between Allen Street and Nittany Parking Deck that goes under the Chambers Building Bridge
Due to roof and window replacement at Chambers building the sidewalk between Allen Street and Nittany parking deck that goes under the Chambers Building Bridges will be closed for construction activity. Building ADA access will be maintained at all times as posted on site.
Modify Road Closing 05/08/2017 09/01/2017 Roadway on north side of Hammond Building
Roadway will be blocked with a man lift during the day for work on the outside of Hammond Building. The man lift can be moved if needed for an emergency.
Modify Road Closing 05/08/2017 08/24/2018 Road to the East of McKean & Pennypacker Halls
The road to the east of McKean & Pennypacker Hall starting at Curtin Road an extending to the back of the IM tennis courts will be closed beginning Monday. This area will be enclosed as part of the construction zone for the Phase 1B East Halls project. The parking lots and portion of the road accessible from Park Avenue to the North of the project site will remain open.
Modify Road Closing 05/06/2017 05/06/2017 ACCESS ROAD & SIDE WALKS AROUND RESEARCH WEST
Modify Road Closing 04/29/2017 04/29/2017 ACCESS ROAD & SIDE WALKS AROUND RESEARCH WEST
Modify Road Closing 04/20/2017 04/20/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Fenske Lab
A section of Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic in order to pave a section of the road.
- A flagger will be in place directing traffic during this work. - Access will still be allowed to Life Sciences, Chemistry, and Eisenhower Auditorium.
Modify Road Closing 04/20/2017 04/20/2017 Yellow E Parking Lot - Service Spots
2 service parking spaces will be closed at the south side of the parking lot in order to pave a section of the lot.
Modify Park stalls 04/18/2017 05/08/2017 Parking Spaces Northside of Research West
The Red A and Service permit parking will be utilized for material and equipment layout for HVAC renovations. The parking spots affected are on the North side of Research West. All other parking and access around Research West will remain as is.
Staging is needed for upcoming crane lifts. Mechanical equipment and structural steel will be lifted onto the roof. Lifts are scheduled for Saturdays.
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/14/2017 04/21/2017 Curtin Road
Westbound lane of Curtin Road will be closed intermittently between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Flaggers will be present, traffic flow will be maintained. Some short duration delays are possible.
Modify Road Closing 04/12/2017 04/14/2017 Service Road Between Chemistry Building and Fenske Lab
The service road will be closed due to the delivery of the tower crane for the CBEB / Fenske project.
Chemistry loading dock will be closed during this time.
Modify Parking space 04/12/2017 04/13/2017 Parking BC
Block off several Service spots to allow electrical generator to be set for Wednesday testing of Boucke Buiding
Generator to be removed Thursday morning
Modify Road Closing 04/11/2017 04/11/2017 Yellow E Parking Lot - Service Spots
2 service parking spaces will be closed at the south side of the parking lot in order to pave a section of the lot.
Modify Reduced Lanes 04/11/2017 04/11/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Fenske Lab
A section of Shortlidge Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic in order to pave a section of the road.
- A flagger will be in place direction traffic during this work. - Access will be permissible to Life Sciences, Chemistry, and Eisenhower Auditorium.
Modify Parking Space Closing 04/11/2017 04/11/2017 N/A
On the north side of MRL Building 8 to 10 parking spaces will be closed for a crane lift.
Remainder of lot will be available for parking.
Modify Parking lot closure 03/13/2017 03/15/2017 Silver B Parking Lot which serves Academic Projects and Research East
Silver B Parking Lot which serves Academic Projects and Research East
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 03/09/2017 03/30/2017 Sidewalk at HUB Lawn
A section of sidewalk at the East side of the HUB Lawn
Alternative Routes will be open
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/08/2017 03/08/2017 Shortlidge Rd.
Shortlidge Rd. infront of Warnock Commons
Shortlidge Road will be reduced to a single lane in front of Warnock Commons to allow for a crane setup. Closure is required to remove an existing Transformer from Warnock Commons. A flagging team will be on site to assist with traffic.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/06/2017 03/10/2017 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Fenske Lab
The road will be reduced to one lane due to construction activity on Shortlidge Road.
Access to Chemistry Building, Life Sciences Building, and Eisenhower Auditorium will still be available during this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 03/06/2017 03/10/2017 Driveway south of Steidle Building
There will be a lift located along the curb south of Steidle Building. It will be at the SW corner of the building for 2 days and at the SE corner for days (approximate). Vehicles can get around the lift, but the lane will be slightly impacted.
Modify Crane Lift causing sidewalk closure 03/01/2017 03/02/2017 University Drive sidewalk between Hastings Rd and E College Ave
Modify Parking Lot Closure 03/01/2017 03/02/2017 Silver B Parking Lot
Parking lot north of the Academic Activities Building
This is to allow the set up of the crane on March 1st and the lifting of equipment off the roof of Research East on the 2nd.
Modify Parking Lot Lane Closing 02/27/2017 02/27/2017 N/A
The Orange F parking lot drive lane that is just North of Lasch Football Building will be closed to allow off loading and installation of a new mechanical cooling unit. The parking lot will still be operational and no parking spaces should be impacted.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 02/23/2017 02/23/2017 SIDEWALK & ENTRANCE AT SOUTH WEST CORNER OF HOLMES HALL
Modify Parking Lot Lane Closing 02/23/2017 02/23/2017 Orange F Parking Lot Drive at Lasch Building
The Orange F parking lot drive lane that is just North of Lasch Football Building will be closed to allow off loading and installation of a new mechanical cooling unit. The parking lot will still be operational and no parking spaces should be impacted.
Modify Reduced Lanes 02/01/2017 02/03/2017 Curtin Road
Curtin Road near Pennypacker Hall will be reduced to one lane to allow contractors to install a new utility manhole. Temporary traffic signals and signage will be installed to manage traffic through the single lane.
Modify Road Closing 01/30/2017 01/30/2017 Brown A Parking Lot
There will be a section of the southwestern part of the parking lot that will be taken off-line in order for a construction delivery.
This closure will not affect any service spots, motorcycle spots, or the dean parking spot. There still will be two-way access throughout the parking lot during this work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 01/18/2017 03/10/2017 Sidewalk Along Curtin Road
The sidewalk along the north side of Curtin Road near Pennypacker Hall will be closed to allow the installation of a new steam manhole. The area will be signed with the new Pedestrian traffic pattern.
Modify Sidewalk Closing 01/18/2017 01/25/2017 The Sidewalk Along Curtin Road at McCoy Natatorium
Directional signage will be placed to detour pedestrians around this area.
Modify Access Rd/ Grass Sitting Area 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 Kern Bld & Nittany Parking Deck
Access Road and Sitting area between Kern Bld and Nittany parking deck will be barricaded off while Utility Water Crew repairs a water main break on water line that supplies Kern Bld.
Modify Road Closing 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 Alley Between West Campus Steam Plant and Fraterity
The alley between the West Campus Steam Plant and the Fraternity which leads to ARL will be closed. Access to ARL or University Club will need to occur from the access road off of College Ave. by the University Club. The chain leading to Kinkos will be taken down for the duration of the closure.
The road closure is required for the delivery of an office trailer to the West Campus steam plant.
Modify Reduced Lanes 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 Shortlidge Road between Park Ave and Curtin
The Tree Crew will be removing 2 oaks along Shortlidge Road.
Modify Road Closing 12/29/2016 12/29/2016 North Drive (Research West)
On 12/29/16 the road on the North Side of Research West will be closed for crane placement. The Red A and Service parking spots will not be available. Access to the East side of Research West by the Water Tunnel will be available from the Bus Station (drive through Red A parking Lot). Access to the West side of Research West will be maintained.
Crane set up is required for rooftop unit relocation and demolition.
Modify Reduced Lanes 12/21/2016 12/21/2016 Curtin Road by Tyson Building
The Tree Crew will be removing a tree, that overhangs the road. A reduced lane, work zone traffic pattern will be in place to safely complete the work.
Modify Road Closing 12/06/2016 12/07/2016 Brown A Parking Lot Stalls
Approximately 6 parking spots will be blocked off at the southwest corner of the parking lot due to construction activities.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 12/05/2016 12/14/2016 Sidewalk Between Althouse Lab and Fenske Lab
Pedestrian traffic will be moved slightly to the west of the current sidewalk in order to install utilities under the existing sidewalk for the CBEB project.
Alterna mats will be used as a temporary sidewalk (near Althouse) for the duration of the work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/28/2016 11/29/2016 Shortlidge Road between Eisenhower Auditorium and Fenske Lab
The road will be reduced to one lane due to construction activities at the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building (CBEB) / Fenske project.
A flagman will be in place directing traffic during the work.
Modify Tree Removal 11/23/2016 11/23/2016 Allen Street Mall by Old Main
The Tree Crew is scheduled to remove 2 trees on Allen Street Mall. • 1 Norway Spruce (Heritage Tree) • 1 American Elm (elm yellow infected) The east walkway of Allen Street Mall will be closed. A crane and other tree equipment will be on site.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/21/2016 11/21/2016 Brown A Parking Lot
There will be 3 parking spaces at the southwest corner of the parking lot closed due to construction work.
Modify Road Closing 11/21/2016 11/21/2016 Atherton Street between Park Avenue and Curtin Road
The east bound lanes of North Atherton Street (between Park Avenue and Curtin Road) will be closed from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. This road closing is required to safely work on a large tree that is overhanging the roadway. Traffic will be detoured on to Park Avenue. Thank you for your help and patience as we complete this required maintenance work.
Modify Road Closing 11/14/2016 11/25/2016 Pollock Road in restricted area between Old Main and McAllister Bldg
Area will be blocked to all vehicle traffic.
Roadway will be excavated to remove existing material
Modify Parking Spaces 11/08/2016 11/11/2016 Red A Parking Lot
Approximately 5 parking spaces will be blocked off in the Red A parking lot between Hallowell and Bus Depot.
Parking spaces are needed to allow the steam services crew can make required repairs.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 11/08/2016 11/18/2016 Sidewalk on southwest side of Stuckeman Building
There will be intermittent closings of the sidewalk on the southwest side of Stuckeman Building (near the bike rack) while contractors remove the wooden barricades and make an interconnection to an existing manhole. The side entrance to Stuckeman will close intermittently while material is being moved. Signage will be in place.
Modify Reduced Lanes 11/07/2016 11/07/2016 Yellow E Parking Lot
The parking spaces on the south side of the Yellow E Parking lot (directly against the temporary construction fence) will be closed due to construction.
This closure will affect the Yellow E and service parking permits parking spots.
Modify Road Closing 10/31/2016 11/28/2016 Road Between Reber and Hammond
The road will be closed due to road construction.
The bollards at the south side of the Brown A parking lot will be pulled in order maintain access to the engineering units, Sackett, and Hammond. Motorcycle parking at the northwest side of Hammond will not be available.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/31/2016 12/30/2016 Sidewalks around Schwab Auditorium
Sidewalk along Pollock Road between curb and building will be closed from October 31 lasting till November 25. Walkway on Old Main side will be closed from October 31, until December 30.
Area will be enclosed with Fence and wind screen also will be signed accordingly.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/25/2016 10/26/2016 Tyson Sidewalk Along Shortlidge Road
Sidewalks will be reworked in order to provide ADA access across Shortlidge Road.
Alterna mats will be installed in the grass in order to reroute pedestrians around the sidewalk work.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/24/2016 10/25/2016 Fenske Lab Sidewalk Along Shortlidge Road
Sidewalks will be reworked in order to provide ADA access across Shortlidge Road.
Pedestrians will be rerouted in the close proximity in order to minimize the disruption.
Modify Blocked Parking Spaces 10/24/2016 10/25/2016 Brown A South of Steidle
Contractor will be blocking access to 2 parking spaces in Brown A to allow storage of a lift to be used in Steidle Bldg. during the dates noted.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/19/2016 10/19/2016 Route 26 - East College Avenue between University Drive and Porter Road
The Utility Crew and Tree Crew will be working to repair the Thompson Spring diversion channel. Equipment will be staged along the road edge - east bound lane. There will be a reduced lane - work zone traffic control setup in place to facilitate the safe completion of this work.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/19/2016 10/21/2016 Hastings road between MRL and CBL will be reduced to a single lane .
traffic flow will be maintained via flaggers .
please avoid this area if possible. sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Parking lot closing 10/19/2016 10/21/2016 OH lot between MRL and Land and Water. Lot that is closest to MRL that is currently partial stone.
will be closed so paving and stripping can occur in the lot
Please vacate this lot if you have vehicles parked there .
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/19/2016 10/21/2016 Curtin Road
Curtin Road at McCoy Natatorium
Flaggers will be directing traffic during these times.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/19/2016 11/04/2016 Sidwalk between Fenske and Althouse Labs
A sidewalk canopy will be installed at the sidewalk between Fenske Lab and Althouse Lab.
Alterna mats will be installed to the west of the sidewalk in order to maintain access through the area for the duration of the sidewalk work.
Modify Walkway at Pattee Library 10/10/2016 10/21/2016 Pedestrian Underpass at Pattee Library
Contractor will be repairing the ceiling of the Pattee Library Pedestrian Underpass. One half of the walkway will be fenced and closed. One half will remain open at all times for pedestrian traffic.
Modify Reduced Lanes 10/10/2016 10/10/2016 Yellow E Parking Lot
The parking spaces at the south side and a few at the main entrance of the Yellow E parking lot will be closed due to a construction delivery.
The remainder of the spaces in the lot will be open for use.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 College Ave
The sidewalk along College Ave, South of the West Campus Steam Plant
A portion of the sidewalk on College Ave, between Burrows and Atherton will be closed to allow for equipment deliveries. The CATA bus stop will remain in service during this period. Signage will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 10/04/2016 10/05/2016 Burrows Rd
Closure: Burrows Road from the South side of Reber to the Brown A access South of Deike.
Access to Brown A parking lot will be maintained. The alley access between Hammond and Reber will be available to access Brown A Parking. Closure required for staging of materials and equipment for the West Campus Steam Plant. Campus Shuttle stop outside Reber will not be available during this time. Signage will be in place.
Modify Road side/road edge 10/03/2016 10/05/2016 University Drive Extention and Services Road Intersection
At this intersection on the SW corner,"this is the corner of the Intermural Fields", a crew will be adding a curb and small amount of bituminous pavement.
This location will have signage along with flag people when needed. This work is all weather dependent.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/27/2016 09/29/2016 Section of Sidewalk Closed along West side Stuckeman
A section of sidewalk along the west side of Stuckeman and the water tower toward Beam Hall will be closed.
Sidewalk closure needed for crews to work on the water line near Beam Hall. The section of side walk will be closed with signage posted. Alternate routing around the work area is available.
Modify Road Closing 09/26/2016 09/29/2016 Burrows Rd.
Burrows road from South of Reber to North Reber.
Burrows road (both lanes) will be closed on Monday, September 26 through Thursday, September 29 to allow for staging of equipment and materials for the West Campus Steam Plant. The side walk along reber will remain open. Access to Brown A parking lot will be available from both the North Access drive at Deike and the South access drive at Hammond. CATA will be unavailable. Fencing, signage and flagging crews will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/26/2016 11/11/2016 Sidewalk in front of Warnock Commons
The sidewalk in front of Warnock Commons along Shortlidge will be closed.
The sidewalk closure is required to allow for crews to construct a new areaway in front of Warnock Commons. Access to Warnock will still be maintained. Sporadic one lane road closures on Shortlidge will also be required to allow for equipment and material deliveries. Flagging staff will be present during those periods.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/23/2016 12/31/2018 Fenske East Sidewalk along Shortlidge Road
The sidewalk along Shortlidge Road (to the east of Fenske Lab) will be closed due to the construction at the Fenske / CEBME Building Project.
Pedestrians will be directed to the sidewalk on the Tyson / Eisenhower side of Shortlidge Road during this sidewalk closure. Signage will be placed on the construction fence to detour pedestrians.
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2016 09/23/2016 Bigler Road at the Bigler-Curtin intersection
The south section of Bigler Road (adjacent to the McCoy Natatorium)at the Bigler Road and Curtin Road intersection will be closed overnight to allow contractors to install a sewer line. The intersection at Bigler Road and Eisenhower Road will remain open to allow vehicles to bypass the intersection. Signage and flaggers will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 09/22/2016 09/22/2016 Yellow E Parking Lot
Parking lot will be closed due to construction operations.
ADA parking spots in lot will still be available.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/20/2016 09/22/2016 Sidewalk West Side of Stuckeman
The side walk along the west side of Stuckeman near Beam Hall will be closed for water line work. Only a short section will be affected and alternate routing will be available during the closure. Signage and protections will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/19/2016 10/07/2016 Sidewalk along Bigler Road at Bigler Hall
A short section of sidewalk along the east side of Bigler Road adjacent to Bigler Hall will be closed to install a sewer line. Pedestrians will be able to get around the closure by using sidewalks at Bigler Hall. The main crosswalk between Bigler Hall and the Creamery will remain open. The sidewalk will re-open for the Homecoming Parade on Oct 7. Signage and fencing will be in place.
Modify Paving 09/19/2016 09/20/2016 Area around Headhouse 3 and BJC
Work Hawbaker will be doing 9/19/16 and 9/20/16: 1) Mill and overlay the alley behind Headhouse 3 starting at 7.00am traffic control will be present. Should take 4 to 5 hours. 2) Repair sunken pavement at storm drains Dauer road South of BJC. Traffic control will be present-Start late morning. Work Hawbaker will be doing 9/20/16: 1) Sidewalk and Curb repair. At exit of drive to ticket office north side of BJC east exit. This will not affect vehicle traffic but will effect pedestrian traffic. This work should take 3 to 4 days.
Modify Reduced Lanes 09/19/2016 09/19/2016 Burrows Road By Rec Hall will be reduces to one lane due to large delivery
Flaggers will be on site to coordinate traffic and pedestrian movement
Modify Parking Spaces blocked 09/19/2016 09/21/2016 Beaver Stadium Parking Spaces 1348 thru 1352 CLOSED
Beaver Stadium Parking Spaces 1348 thru 1352 will be closed due to Steam Distribution work being completed near Manhole 246.
Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/16/2016 10/07/2016 Sidewalk along Curtin Road between McCoy Natatorium and Wagner Building
Sections of sidewalk along Curtin Road between McCoy Natatorium and Wagner Building will be closed to allow contractors to install a sewer line. Crosswalks will remain open. The sidewalk will re-open for the Homecoming Parade on Oct 7. Fencing and signage will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/16/2016 10/07/2016 Sidewalk along Bigler Road at McCoy Natatorium
The crosswalk at the corner of Bigler Road and Curtin road adjacent to the McCoy Natatorium will be closed to install a sewer line. The crosswalk will open when repairs are complete but there will be intermittent closures of the sidewalk adjacent to the McCoy Natatorium from the crosswalk at Bigler/Curtin to the outdoor pool. The sidewalk and crosswalk will re-open for the Homecoming Parade on Oct 7. Signage and fencing will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 09/13/2016 09/13/2016 College Ave.
The North lane of College Ave. will be closed between Burrows Road and Atherton Street. The sidewalk and CATA bus stop will be closed as well during this time.
College Ave South of the West Campus Steam Plant. Closure required for equipment removal from the construction site. Signage and flagging support will be in place during the closure.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/12/2016 09/14/2016 Sidewalk along Curtin at Pasture Research and Headhouse buildings
A section of sidewalk along the south side of Curtin Road in front of the Pasture Research Lab and Headhouse Buildings will close intermittently to allow contractors to connect together sections of a new sewer line in support of on-going work near the Curtin/Bigler intersection. The sidewalk will remain open during class changes and in the evening and overnight. Curtin Road may be reduced to one lane periodically to allow off-loading of pipe material. Flaggers and signage will be in place.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/12/2016 09/16/2016 Sidewalk along Curtin across from the Food Science Building/Berkey Creamery
A section of sidewalk along the south side of Curtin Road across from the Food Science Building/Berkey Creamery will be closed to install a sewer line. Signage and fencing will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 09/07/2016 09/07/2016 College Ave.
North Lane of College Ave between Burrows Rd. and Atherton Street. CATA bus stop will be out of service during the closure.
Road closed South of the West Campus Steam Plant for equipment and material deliveries. Signage and flagging support will be in place during the closure.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/06/2016 09/09/2016 Sidewalk on West side of Computer Building
Equipment will be on site to load bank the emergency generators located inside computer buiding
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 09/06/2016 09/23/2016 Sidewalk along Curtin at Wagner Building
A section of sidewalk along the south side of Curtin Road near Wagner Building will be closed to excavate adjacent to a sanitary sewer manhole. Signage and fencing will be in place.
Modify Road Closing 09/01/2016 09/02/2016 Big Hollow Road near Tower Road Lanscape Shop/Nursery
Big Hollow Road near the Tower Road Landscape Shop and New Water Treatment Plant will be closed intermittently for a utility crossing. Access to the PSU well field, substation, etc will be maintained via Fox Hollow Road and the lower gate.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/26/2016 08/29/2016 Pedestrian Underpass at Pattee Library
Pedestrian Underpass at Pattee Library will be closed to allow for selective demolition.
Pedestrian Underpass at Pattee Library will be closed to allow for selective demolition of ceiling materials.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/22/2016 08/26/2016 Parking lot Red A - Near Hallowell Building
13 Parking spaces and one of the two access driveways into Red A will be affected due to excavation to repair leaking steam line. Detour access into Red A will be provided and clearly marked. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/15/2016 08/16/2016 Access Road Between Whitmore and Davey Labs
The sidewalk will be closed in order to replace the sidewalk at the south side of Whitmore.
The access road between Whitmore Lab and Davey Lab will be reduced. A flagger will be in place during this work.
Modify parking spaces blocked 08/11/2016 08/12/2016 Brown A Parking
Between south of Steidle and north EEW about 10 spaces. This is to allow construction job trailers to be removed from site.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/11/2016 08/13/2016 Alley between Chemistry Building and Fenske Building
Reduced to one lane between Chemistry Building and Fenske Building due to Steam Distribution work being completed in that area.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/10/2016 08/11/2016 Curtin Road
Curtin Road will be reduced to one lane between Curtin Hall and Pennypacker Hall to allow for physical location of underground utilities. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic. Additionally, the sidewalk in this area will be closed and fenced in. Signage will be present to direct pedestrian traffic.
Modify Road Closing 08/10/2016 08/10/2016 Burrows Road
Burrows Road will be closed from the North access road to the Brown A Parking Lot down to College Avenue.
Access to the South entrance of the Brown A Parking Lot will be maintained and bollards removed. The CATA bus stop and shuttle will not be available in this area during the closure. The road closure is required to equipment de-mobilization.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 08/08/2016 12/31/2018 Yellow E Parking Lot
The southern half of the parking lot will be closed due to the Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Building construction project.
Modify Road Closing 08/08/2016 08/08/2016 Burrows Road
Burrows Road will be closed from the North access road to the Brown A Parking Lot down to College Avenue.
Access to the South entrance of the Brown A Parking Lot will be maintained and bollards removed. The CATA bus stop and shuttle will not be available in this area during the closure. The road closure is required to stage equipment for testing the new WCSP generator.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/03/2016 08/17/2016 Sidewalks in various locations around the HHD and BBH Buildings
Repairing cracks in various locations . should be relatively small impact.
sorry for the inconvenience
Modify Reduced Lanes 08/01/2016 08/02/2016 Fischer Road
Fischer's East bound lane, just before the Moore Building.
The east bound lane will be close during the SMH 197 steam line repair project. Warning signage and traffic cones will be positioned and flagers will be on site directing traffic.
Modify Parking Spaces 08/01/2016 08/05/2016 Brown A Parking Lot, behind Deike Building
Three parking spaces will be offline in Brown A, behind Deike Building for removal and repair of grading.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 08/01/2016 08/19/2016 Sidewalk area between Forum and Stuckeman
The sidewalk between Forum Building and the south entrance at Stuckeman Building will be closed between the listed dates to create a noise abatement safety zone while sandblasting and painting is completed on the new water storage tank adjacent to Stuckeman. Barriers will be in place.
Modify Paving part of Parking Lot 07/28/2016 07/28/2016 Red Lot A
Part of Red Parking Lot A off of Atherton Street will be getting paved and parking will be reduced.
Modify Road Closing 07/28/2016 07/28/2016 Service Road Between Chemistry Building and Fenske Lab
The service road will be closed due to construction.
- The service parking spaces at the south side of Fenske along with the service spots at the south west corner of Fenske will be closed. - Yellow G parking lot will be closed with this closure.
Modify Road Closing 07/28/2016 08/08/2016 Alley between Reasearch West and Water Tunnel
The alley between Research West, Water Tunnel and IST will be closed for construction activities. The parking along the East side of Research West (Yellow A) will still be available, but access will be from the parking lot by Hallowell/Depot off of Atherton Street. Parking along the North Side of Research West will be available with access from Red A. The Loading Dock door on the West side of Water Tunnel will remain open, but the man door will not be accessible.
Alley closure required for underground chilled water work conducted by OPP Utilities.
Modify Road Closing 07/28/2016 07/28/2016 Burrowes Road - North
Burrowes Road near Rec Hall will be reduced to one lane on Thursday July 28th in order to pave road and CATA bus pull off. Road will be flagged and traffic will flow, just may be slower than usual.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/26/2016 07/26/2016 College Ave.
The north portion of the College Ave. sidewalk will be closed from Atherton St. to Borrows Rd. The CATA bus stop will not be available during this time.
Closure required for crane and material staging for installation in the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Road Closing 07/25/2016 09/02/2016 Brown A Parking Lot
The southwest corner of the parking lot will be closed in order to install underground utilities.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/25/2016 09/09/2016 Sidewalk between Althouse Lab and Fenske Lab
Half of the sidewalk will be fenced in order to complete site utility work at the west side of Fenske Lab.
Modify Road Closing 07/25/2016 09/09/2016 Access / Parking Lot at Southwest Corner of Fenske
The area will be closed in order to complete site utility work for the Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Building project.
The Chemistry loading dock will be maintained during this work. The service parking spots at the southwest and west sides of Fenske will not be available during this work. There will not be through traffic from the existing Fenske / Chemistry service road to Althouse Lab, Buckhout Lab, or Wartik Lab during this work, except for emergency response vehicles.
Modify Elm Tree Spraying 07/19/2016 07/20/2016 N/A
Weather permitting - Please be aware that elm tree spraying will be conducted from the ground and by helicopter starting on Tuesday evening (7/19) and finishing Wednesday morning (7/20). We thank the campus community for understanding the need and cooperating with this important program as we work to preserve our campus elm trees. If you have any questions, please contact Alex Novak, Customer Service/Public Relations, at 863-0432. Thank you
Modify Road Closing 07/18/2016 07/18/2016 Burrows Road
Burrows road will be closed from the alley between Reber and Hammond to the Northern access to the Brown A parking lot. The lower access and upper access to Brown A lot will remain open. Signage and Barricades will be in place and during the shutdown. The West sidewalk of Burrows in this area will also be closed. The sidewalk will be closed from 7/18/16 until 9/23/16 due to crane activities.
The shut down is required for tree removal and crane set up for construction activities at the West Campus Steam Plant.
Modify Road Closing 07/18/2016 07/22/2016 Curtin Road at Beaver Stadium
Curtin Road at Beaver Stadium will be closed to accommodate construction equipment in front of the stadium. Access from Curtin to lot 44 at the BJC will be maintained. Fence and signage will be in place to prevent thru-traffic to Porter Road from Curtin.
Modify Parking Lot Closure 07/18/2016 09/15/2016 Yellow G Parking Lot - Reduced Parking Spaces
There will be 3 parking spaces taken in the (Fenske) parking lot for construction dumpsters.
Modify Intermittent Sidewalk Closing 07/14/2016 07/29/2016 Sidewalk along Park Ave at Beaver Stadium
The sidewalk running along Park Avenue between Porter Road and the access road to the Stadium West lot will close intermittently during the dates shown. The closure is necessary to accommodate construction vehicles crossing the sidewalk. Signage and flaggers will be in place.
Modify Reduced Parking Spaces 07/14/2016 07/14/2016 Parking Lot Yellow E
The southern portion of the parking lot will be closed due to a construction delivery to Fenske.
Modify Reduced Parking Spaces 07/13/2016 07/13/2016 Brown C Parking Lot
A section of the parking lot will be closed due to a construction delivery at the Whitmore Lab project.
Modify Road Closing 07/12/2016 07/12/2016 Access Road Between Davey Lab and Osmond Lab
The west entrance to the Brown C parking lot (between Davey and Osmond Labs) will be closed due to a construction delivery at the Whitmore Renovation Project.
Modify Parking Lot Closing 07/12/2016 07/12/2016 Parking Lot on West Side of Electrical Engineering East
Parking Lot on West Side of Electrical Engineering East will be closed to parking and pedestrian traffic for a crane lift.
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/11/2016 07/11/2016 Burrowes Road
Burrowes Road at Rec Hall will be reduced to single lane.
Flaggers will be directing traffic both directions during this closure.
Modify Road Closing 07/07/2016 07/08/2016 Bigler Road at Forest Resources Loading Dock
Bigler Road at the Forest Resources Loading Dock will be closed for paving operations. Detour signage will be posted. The East Parking Deck will remain open and accessible from Curtin Road.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/06/2016 07/29/2016 Sidewalk east side Carpenter to Lion Shrine
Modify Reduced Lanes 07/05/2016 07/05/2016 Burrowes St
Burrowes Street at the Rec Hall CATA Bus stop will be reduced to one lane traffic
Flaggers will be in place during lane restriction.
Modify Road Closing 07/05/2016 07/07/2016 Access Road Between Runkle Hall and Agricultural Engineering
Access will be limited during construction.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 07/05/2016 07/31/2016 Sidewalk to the West side of University Dr from the Pegula Ice Arena to the intersection of U. Drive
Area will be used to allow a high reach to travel the sidewalk to clean and seal the wall at the outdoor practice field.
Please use the East sidewalk along U Drive travel the area noted.
Modify Road Closing 07/01/2016 07/06/2016 Big Hollow Road and Services Road Intersection
Starting July 01, 2016 at 6 am HRI will close this intersection to dig out bumptious paving and will reopen by 6 pm on stone for holiday weekend. Then close on Tuesday 07/05 starting 6 am and remain closed until Wed. 07/06 to reopen by 6 pm to apply bituminous pavement.
Area will be signed accordingly.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/29/2016 09/15/2016 SE sidewalk of Walker Building
Temporary air compressor will be located on Southeast corner of Walker Building beside sidewalk.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/24/2016 07/08/2016 Sidewalk between Ag Eng and Borland Lab
A section of sidewalk at the SW corner of Ag Eng will be closed.
Sidewalk Detour Signs will be in place
Modify Road Closing 06/24/2016 07/22/2016 Mckean Road, portion between EAL and Greenberg
To access EAL, Lasch, Greenberg Bldgs with vehicle traffic, use the parking lot between Houlba Hall and East Area Locker.
This area will be signed accordingly. This work is being completed to upgrade utilities and resurface roadway.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/24/2016 07/29/2016 Bigler Road starting in front of outdoor pool to Mckean road by Nittnay Housing
Sidewalk area will be fenced off with closure signs.
Pedestrian traffic will need to use walkway on opposite side of roadway.
Modify Road Closing 06/22/2016 07/12/2016 Service Road South of Head House 3
Service Road between Tyson Building and Computer Building. Closure will allow us to replace badly deteriorated roof on steam manhole 96.
Modify Parking Lot 06/15/2016 07/08/2016 Orange F South of the old tennis building
Lot noted will be closed to parking during the time stipulated to allow the contractor to stage materials for the Holuba Hall turf replacement project.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/16/2016 07/29/2016 College Ave between Burrows and Atherton
College Ave sidewalk between Burrows and Atherton
General Notice: The sidewalk at the South end of the West Campus Steam Plant will be closed periodically during the next few months to allow for material and equipment deliveries. Signage will be displayed during these times when the sidewalk is closed. Specific notices will be provided as they occur.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 05/09/2016 08/01/2016 West of Runkle Hall and South of Holmes and Beam Halls
Sidewalks Closed for sidewalk replacement and Basketball and Volleyball Court installation: The East/West sidewalk coming from Warnock Commons and heading towards Hort Woods will be closed. The North/South sidewalk to the West of Runkle Hall will be closed.
Signage will be displayed for re-routing pedestrian traffic.
Modify Sidewalk Construction/Work 06/20/2014 07/18/2016 Sidewalk between Stuckeman Building and Palmer Museum of Art
Steam Manhole top is in a failed condition. The sidewalk between Stuckeman and Palmer Museum must be removed so that manhole top can be replaced. Entire sidewalk will be removed. There is are service parking spaces near Forum which will not be accessible.
Area will be fenced and signage posted.